发布时间:2022-02-17 04:04
本文研究了掺杂元素和烧结气氛等工艺条件对ZnO陶瓷热电性能的影响。ZnO是一类具有宽带隙(室温3.37 eV)、大激活能(60 meV)、高Seebeck系数和高电导率和高熔点(1975℃)的半导体材料。相对于其它氧化物热电材料,ZnO具有较高的功率因子,有可能成为优异的高温区热电材料。但是较高的晶格热导率不利于ZnO热电性能的进一步提高。本毕业论文旨在保持ZnO的功率因子其不变的情况下,通过进一步降低ZnO的晶格热导率,以期达到提高ZnO热电性能的目标。本文首先确定了传统的固相反应法合成ZnO陶瓷样品的最佳条件。研究了不同球磨时间对热电性能的影响,发现实现最佳热电性能的球磨时间一般是15小时。通过球磨可以影响材料的各项性能,因此球磨技术是合成纯净和掺杂的ZnO关键工艺流程之一。实验中发现使用湿法研磨,行星球磨机单向旋转,转速为2O5rpm时,能够得到均匀的混合物。烧结氛围是影响材料热电性质的另一个重要因素。ZnO在存在氧空位时很不稳定,所以找到一个合适的烧结氛围非常重要。同样组分的样品放在不同的氛围下烧结得到的Seebeck系数也不同。研究发现在氩气环境下烧结样品的Seebeck系数...
【文章页数】:208 页
List of abbreviations
Abstract in Chinese中文摘要
Chapter 1 Introduction to thermoelectric materials
1.1 Background of energy sources
1.2 History and applications of thermoelectricity
1.3 Thermoelectric effects
1.4 Conflicting thermoelectric properties
1.5 Unstable Thermoelectric properties of doped ZnO under Oxygen vacancies
1.6 Background of ZnO based thermoelectric materials
1.7 Thesis outline
Chapter 2 Materials fabrication and characterization techniques
2.1 Materials fabrication
2.2 Sintering tachniques
2.3 Measurements of thermoelectric properties
2.4 Samples characterization techniques
Chapter 3 Thermoelectric properties of indium-doped zinc oxide sintered at high temperature in anargon atmosphere
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Structural properties
3.3 Measurement of thermoelectric properties
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Atmospheric dependent thermoelectric properties of Al-doped zinc -oxide
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Characterization of Al-doped ZnO
4.3 Thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Effects of Al~(3+) and In~(3+) dual-doping on thermoelectric properties of zinc oxide sintered inan argon atmosphere
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Phase and microsctructure analysis of the co-doped ZnO
5.3 High temperature thermoelectric properties of Al, In co-doped ZnO
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Sintering atmospheres and thermoelectric properties of Al, Ga co-doped zinc oxide
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Phase and morphology analysis
6.3 Thermoelectric properties measurements
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Tunable electrical resistivities of Al~(3+), B~(3+) dual doped zinc oxide sintered at hightemperature in an argon atmosphere
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phase identification and characterization
7.3 Measurements of thermoelectric properties
7.4 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Conclusions
Publications during Ph.D.
【文章页数】:208 页
List of abbreviations
Abstract in Chinese中文摘要
Chapter 1 Introduction to thermoelectric materials
1.1 Background of energy sources
1.2 History and applications of thermoelectricity
1.3 Thermoelectric effects
1.4 Conflicting thermoelectric properties
1.5 Unstable Thermoelectric properties of doped ZnO under Oxygen vacancies
1.6 Background of ZnO based thermoelectric materials
1.7 Thesis outline
Chapter 2 Materials fabrication and characterization techniques
2.1 Materials fabrication
2.2 Sintering tachniques
2.3 Measurements of thermoelectric properties
2.4 Samples characterization techniques
Chapter 3 Thermoelectric properties of indium-doped zinc oxide sintered at high temperature in anargon atmosphere
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Structural properties
3.3 Measurement of thermoelectric properties
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Atmospheric dependent thermoelectric properties of Al-doped zinc -oxide
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Characterization of Al-doped ZnO
4.3 Thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Effects of Al~(3+) and In~(3+) dual-doping on thermoelectric properties of zinc oxide sintered inan argon atmosphere
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Phase and microsctructure analysis of the co-doped ZnO
5.3 High temperature thermoelectric properties of Al, In co-doped ZnO
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Sintering atmospheres and thermoelectric properties of Al, Ga co-doped zinc oxide
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Phase and morphology analysis
6.3 Thermoelectric properties measurements
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Tunable electrical resistivities of Al~(3+), B~(3+) dual doped zinc oxide sintered at hightemperature in an argon atmosphere
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phase identification and characterization
7.3 Measurements of thermoelectric properties
7.4 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Conclusions
Publications during Ph.D.