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发布时间:2022-07-15 14:23
  格点量子色动力学(QCD)计算表明极端相对论重离子对撞产生的高温环境会导致核物质中夸克和胶子的解禁闭,形成一种具有部分子自由度的新的物质形态——夸克胶子等离子体(Quark Gluon Plasma,QGP)。QGP是研究强相互作用的理想实验室。相对论重离子对撞实验的一个重要目标就是寻找QGP,并研究它的特性。重味夸克(粲夸克和底夸克)是研究QGP早期动力学性质的一个独特的探针。由于质量远大于QCD能标和QGP的典型温度,重味夸克在相对论重离子碰撞中主要产生于QGP形成之前的初始硬散射过程。该过程可以用微扰QCD计算。当QGP形成之后,重味夸克与QGP发生相互作用,并随着QGP的冷却而强子化。通过测量末态重味强子的产生,可以研究重味夸克与QGP的相互作用,并进而研究QGP的特性。由于其热化时间与QGP的寿命相当甚至更长,末态重味强子携带了重味夸克与QGP的作用历史信息。因此,重味夸克是研究QGP性质的一种“穿越探针”(Penetrating Probe)。本论文围绕RHIC能区相对论重离子碰撞中重味强子的产生开展了三部分工作:1)STAR实验54.4与27 GeV金核-金核对撞中重味衰... 

【文章页数】:159 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 The elementary particles and interactions
    1.2 Quantum Chromodynamics
        1.2.1 The running coupling
        1.2.2 Approach to solving QCD
    1.3 QCD phase transition and QGP
    1.4 Relativistic heavy ion collisions
        1.4.1 Collision geometry
        1.4.2 Space-time evolution of the collision
        1.4.3 Experimental observable
    1.5 Motivation of open heavy flavor measurements
        1.5.1 Collectivity-Heavy flavor electron v2
        1.5.2 Energy loss-D~(*+) production
        1.5.3 Hadronization-simulation of Λ_c~+ production
Chapter 2 Experimental set up
    2.1 The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
    2.2 The STAR detector
    2.3 Time Projection Chamber
    2.4 Time Of Flight detector
    2.5 Heavy Flavor Tracker
Chapter 3 Measurements of elliptic flow of heavy flavor electrons
    3.1 Overview of the analysis
    3.2 Data set and event selection
    3.3 Inclusive electron selection and purity calculation
        3.3.1 Track selection
        3.3.2 Inclusive electron identification
        3.3.3 Electron purity study
    3.4 Photonic electron tagging
    3.5 Photonic electron reconstruction efficiency
        3.5.1 Photonic electron embedding
        3.5.2 Embedding QA and Systematic uncertainties
        3.5.3 Check on the bump structure in efficiency plots
        3.5.4 Reconstruction efficiency results
    3.6 Inclusive electron v_2
    3.7 Photonic electron v_2
        3.7.1 Photonic electron v_2 simulation
        3.7.2 Systematic uncertainty of photonic electron v_2
    3.8 Non-photonic electron v_2 and systematic uncertainty
    3.9 Non-flow estimation
    3.10 Appendix
Chapter 4 Measurements of D~(*+) production in Au+Au 200 GeVcollisions
    4.1 Data Sets and Event selection
    4.2 D~0 reconstruction
        4.2.1 Track selection and particle identification
        4.2.2 D~0 decay topology
    4.3 D~(*+) reconstruction
    4.4 D* efficiency correction
        4.4.1 π_s efficiency
        4.4.2 D~0 reconstruction efficiency
        4.4.3 D~0 double counting effect
        4.4.4 Vertex resolution correction
        4.4.5 D~(*+) efficiency
    4.5 D~(*+)/D~0 ratio
    4.6 Systematic uncertainty
Chapter 5 Results and discussion
    5.1 e~(HF) v_2 at low energy-charm quark collectivity
        5.1.1 The energy dependence of e~(HF) v_2
        5.1.2 Comparison on the p_T dependence of e~(HF) and identified particles v_2
        5.1.3 Model comparison
        5.1.4 Outlook of this analysis
    5.2 D~(*+) production-charm quark energy loss
        5.2.1 D~(*+) spectra
        5.2.2 D~(*+)/D~0 ratio
    5.3 Summary
        5.3.1 Low momentum-Diffusion
        5.3.2 Low to intermediate momentum-Hadronization
        5.3.3 Intermediate to high momentum-Energy loss
        5.3.4 Perspective
Chapter 6 Outlook-Future heavy flavor program at RHIC
    6.1 The sPHENIX detector
    6.2 MVTX detector and heavy flavor program at sPHENIX
    6.3 Λ_c~+ production at sPHENIX
        6.3.1 Introduction
        6.3.2 Overview of simulation approach
        6.3.3 sPHENIX detector performance
        6.3.4 Signal
        6.3.5 Combinatorial background
        6.3.6 PID scenario
        6.3.7 Λ_c~+ reconstruction
        6.3.8 Results and discussion
        6.3.9 Summary
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