[Abstract]:As a key wireless network access mode, wireless Mesh network (Wireless Mesh network can extend the coverage of wireless access network and increase the flexibility and effectiveness of wireless access network. Because WMN has many advantages such as high reliability, self-organization, self-healing and so on, it has been widely concerned by academic circles since its appearance. Multi-Radio Multi-Channel technique (MRMC) is an important means to improve the performance of WMN networks. Configuring multiple wireless interfaces at the same node can increase the overall network capacity. However, the use of MRMC technology brings the problem of increasing wireless interference. The routing technology in WMN increases the network capacity by selecting the appropriate path for the packet, and the channel allocation technology allocates the appropriate channel for the network interface. Reduce the interference between nodes and improve the network capacity. Therefore, it is very important to study the routing and channel allocation technology in WMN to solve the interference problem and improve the network performance. With the rapid development of wireless multimedia and other services, the demand for multicast communication in WMN is increasing. When routing and channel allocation for WMN, you need to consider the type of communication, when routing and channel allocation for WMN using multicast services, The direct use of the allocation method for unicast communication will lead to the failure to give full play to the advantages of multicast services and lead to the decline of multicast throughput. In multicast communication, routing is usually a tree structure with gateway node as the root node, and the routing problem is also transformed into the construction of multicast tree. It is necessary to take full account of the advantages of wireless broadcasting to improve multicast throughput. In this paper, the problem of multicast joint routing and channel assignment in WMN is studied. In order to obtain the optimal solution of multicast routing and channel assignment, the complexity of the solution is reduced. In this paper, a serialized binary integer programming (Sequential) method is proposed, in which channel assignment and routing are regarded as two independent sub-problems. In order to improve the efficiency of channel spectrum, channel allocation and routing are solved separately. In order to improve the efficiency of the channel spectrum, orthogonal channels are used at the same time. Some overlapping channels are also used to analyze the computational complexity of SBIP. The results show that the serialization algorithm can effectively reduce the computational complexity of the optimization process, and use the NS-3 simulation platform to verify the performance of SBIP. The simulation results show that SBIP can obtain the optimal routing and channel assignment results. SBIP can be used as the evaluation standard for the performance of other methods. SBIP can obtain the optimal solution of routing and channel assignment under lower computational complexity. However, it can not be applied to the real network because it can not get the result in polynomial time. Therefore, this paper proposes a heuristic algorithm for minimizing collision load routing and Channel assignment (MCLRC). MCLRC can obtain routing and channel assignment results in polynomial time. The routing process can be applied to the actual communication network. MCLRC determines the forwarding node of the multicast tree for the network according to the order of distance and proximity of the source node. The purpose of the channel allocation process of MCLRC is to minimize the bandwidth affected by interference in the network. The simulation results show that the performance of MCLRC is close to the optimal solution obtained by SBIP and is superior to that of MCM and M4.
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