[Abstract]:Speaker recognition is a basic problem, which can be subdivided into two categories: speaker identification problem and speaker confirmation problem. According to the different degree of dependence on phonetic text, speaker recognition can be divided into text correlation type, text independent type and text prompt type. The identification of the speaker consists of two stages: training / registration and testing / verification. In the training stage, the legal speaker (i.e. the target speaker) feature template is established. In the testing stage, the similarity between the test speech data and the legal speaker feature template is calculated, and the judgment results are obtained. In the past 20 years, speaker recognition has focused on phonetic sources, pronunciation systems and prosodic features of speech signals. However, the respiratory signals in speech have not been paid attention to, and even eliminated as noise terms. It is found that respiratory signals are unique and physiological fingerprints in the sense of respiratory system. It is naturally produced by the human body, with short duration, low frequency of occurrence and simple handling. The breathing characteristics are inherent to the human body and have unique and stable characteristics. Based on these characteristics of respiratory signals, this paper proposes a speaker recognition scheme based on respiratory characteristics, called "BreathID", which has the advantages of high accuracy of text recognition and text independence. "Breath ID" is divided into three parts: respiratory boundary separation, feature extraction and selection, and feature matching. Based on CDF statistical analysis and empirical study, Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, (MFCC) is chosen as the breathing feature of the speaker. In this paper, a lightweight classification algorithm based on a set of simple vector operations is proposed. Finally, the classification algorithm is used to match the similarity and make the speaker decision. The experiment of "Breath ID" is divided into two parts. The first part is an experiment of 50 users collecting data to evaluate the overall performance of BreathID. The experimental results are as follows: in the speaker discrimination experiment, the error discrimination rate (False Identification Rate:) of the scheme is 0.04, the error acceptance rate (FAR) of the scheme is 0.12 and the error rejection rate (FAR) is 0.15. The second part evaluates the consistency of "BreathID" in different practical scenarios using data from another 20 users, including text independence. User status (sit-in and walk), recording device (3 smartphones and 2 commercial microphones), recording cycle (8 months), language (Chinese and English), attack (replay attack).
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