[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the computer Internet technology, the traditional video surveillance system also keeps pace with the times with the integration of advanced computer Internet technology, making the video monitoring system more efficient and convenient. In view of the continuous development of cloud platform, the traditional video surveillance local storage mode is changed to cloud storage mode, this paper proposes to use the existing cloud platform server, The collected video data is stored directly in the video surveillance system built on the cloud platform. Therefore, it is a high level of integration, can be remote login easy to use Web applications. Firstly, the software of the whole video surveillance system is written and developed by using java language in the local computer under Myeclipse, and it is connected to the MySQL database and the local tomcat server. Achieve the normal landing of the system and video upload, download, query management, online playback and other functions. Next, the Web application is deployed to the Ali Cloud platform launched by Alibaba, using the ECS cloud server to configure the hardware environment required by the system, and to create an instance with the Windows Server 2012 operating system. Configure the running environment such as JDK,Tomcat,MySQL database for Web application in the cloud server. The local Web application is packaged and uploaded to the built cloud server. After debugging and running, a Web application of video surveillance system based on cloud platform is finally implemented. By testing the use of the system and monitoring the running status of the system and the network traffic on the cloud platform, it is proved that the system can be configured with the help of the services of the cloud platform and can be extended flexibly. Can meet the current video surveillance high traffic load and monitor video brought large storage. Fast running, high efficiency, stable and reliable, can provide an efficient, safe and convenient remote storage system for video surveillance.
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