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发布时间:2018-10-21 13:07
[Abstract]:The ARPA function of marine radar is used for ship collision prevention alarm, and its reliability and accuracy are directly related to the safety of ship traffic. This paper mainly aims at the analysis of the data precision of ARPA algorithm, and improves on the existing ARPA algorithm to improve the accuracy of ARPA data. Thus the ARPA performance of marine radar is further improved. In the first part of this paper, the functions and functions of marine radar ARPA are introduced briefly, then the existing ARPA algorithm is analyzed, the data processing flow of ARPA algorithm is expounded, and some related techniques are explained. Then the error in the process of data processing is analyzed in detail. First, tracking error, target loss and false tracking occurred in the process of target tracking. Second, the track error, on the one hand, the track point deviation in the process of obtaining the target, on the other hand, the track deviation in the case of target maneuvering. The second part of this paper is to put forward the corresponding solutions to the above errors. Firstly, more advanced wave gate algorithm is used to improve the accuracy of target tracking. Then the offset of the measurement point is filtered. The main contents include the establishment of a mathematical model of measurement points that accord with the existing errors, and the realization of smooth filtering of track, course and speed by means of mean square filtering and 伪-尾 filtering. The third part of this paper is to verify the accuracy of the improved algorithm. The accuracy verification includes two parts. On the one hand, the algorithm is analyzed by MATLAB simulation software; on the other hand, the ship operation is simulated by radar simulator, and the ARPA function before and after the improvement is tested separately, and the precision is optimized according to the measurement data. Finally, it is concluded that this paper optimizes the accuracy of ARPA data, and the ARPA performance of marine radar is more accurate and reliable, which plays an important role in the ship traffic safety.


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