[Abstract]:The mobile communication system has undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades, from the first generation to the fourth generation, as well as the upcoming fifth generation mobile communication system. The rapid development of mobile Internet and Internet of things will promote the growth of 5G service. 5G will meet the technology scenarios of wide coverage, large capacity, low power consumption, wide connection and low reliability of delay, which will bring revolutionary changes to the industry. As an important part of mobile communication, channel coding technology provides high reliability guarantee for mobile communication system. Polarization code, as a new channel coding technology, is the first channel coding technology that can strictly prove the Shannon capacity by mathematics, and surpass the performance of Turbo code and LDPC code. In the discussion of 5G short code scheme in 3GPP RAN1 87 conference, the polarization code scheme becomes the final scheme of 5G eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband) scene control channel coding. In this paper, the encoding and decoding algorithm of polarization code is studied, and the hardware design and implementation of the codec are carried out, and the prototype verification of the decoder is realized on the FPGA platform. Firstly, the basic principle of channel polarization is introduced in this paper. The principle of channel synthesis and channel splitting is expounded, and the essence of polarization principle is revealed in combination with polarization phenomenon. This paper presents three solutions to the reliability estimation problem in channel polarization, compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different estimation methods, and finally selects Gao Si approximation as the estimation method in this paper. Then, this paper studies and simulates the encoding and decoding algorithm of polarization code, compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of system coding and non-system coding in coding algorithm, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of BP algorithm, SC algorithm, SCL algorithm and CA-SCL algorithm in decoding algorithm. Finally, non-system coding and CA-SCL decoding are selected as hardware design and implementation algorithms. Based on the analysis and research of the algorithm, this paper focuses on the design and implementation of the codec. From the view of hardware module partition and structure optimization, the detailed interface of the core module is given. The function of the circuit is verified from the point of view of function simulation, and the prototype verification of the circuit is completed on Altera DE5 (chip type 5SGXEA7N2F45C2). Finally, a test demonstration system based on PCIE is built to test the decoder from the point of view of the codec link system, which further explains the correctness and stability of the circuit. The encoder designed in this paper consumes less than 1 bit of resources, and the maximum working clock frequency is 610 Mhz, and the maximum throughput is 750 Mbps.. The decoder has a 7% resource consumption, a maximum clock frequency of 338 MHz, and a maximum throughput of 229.02 Mbps.
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