[Abstract]:IPTV is interactive network television, its function includes traditional live broadcast, as well as many new media network TV functions, such as on demand, looking back, time shift and so on, which can adapt to the trend of the rapid development of network nowadays and make full and effective use of network resources. At present, China Unicom Group has positioned itself as the second industry to vigorously promote. In the process of developing IPTV service, Heze Unicom has many problems, such as too large network carrying flow, complex network construction, difficult opening, too low index, frequent fault and so on, which need to be solved urgently. This paper hopes to find out the cause of the problem and find out the solution by deeply studying the IPTV equipment networking and work order flow. The author not only participated in the construction of electronic worksheet system, OLT decoupling upgrade, HGU new service opening and so on, but also participated in the network planning, design and construction of Heze Unicom IPTV service. The testing and commissioning of the worksheet process, as well as the corresponding equipment upgrades, include IPTV data configuration at the metropolitan area network and access network level, and the extension of 10GN NE5000E equipment replacement projects on the OLT. This paper comes from the personal experience and investigation of the author in China Unicom. Based on these projects and accumulated information and experience, this paper discusses and analyzes the application and development of IPTV service in Heze Unicom. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the network background and service background of IPTV service in Heze Unicom, including the current situation of man and the reason of changing from unicast to multicast. Secondly, the network and business process of ZTE and Huawei IPTV system are described in detail, and the deployment of them in Heze Unicom is illustrated. In the end, the paper describes emphatically the opening method, related indexes, failure cases and handling methods of IPTV service of Heze Unicom, and emphatically discusses the benefits of these factors to the development of IPTV, and provides experience for avoiding the problems in the process of IPTV opening. Heze Unicom for the next step to promote the development of IPTV to provide reference.
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