本文选题:仿真 切入点:编译原理 出处:《北京工业大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of industrial control network in the direction of highly digital production, networking and self-organization of machines, more and more security risks and vulnerabilities have been exposed, especially in the industrial control network layer. As an important part of industrial control system, there is a lack of effective intrusion detection method. The methods of data packet feature analysis and device feature analysis have some problems, such as poor generality of protocol, high false alarm rate, unable to detect unknown anomalies, and so on. In this paper, a method of abnormal detection of industrial control system based on simulation modeling is designed and proposed from the point of view of normal behavior modeling. The modeling of industrial control system is divided according to the type of equipment on the industrial control system. It is divided into controller modeling and controlled object modeling. Controller modeling is designed to prevent the control program (including data stored in memory by the control program) from being tampered with or destroyed. The modeling of the controlled object is to ensure that the system input obtained by the controller is credible. According to the characteristics of the two modeling methods, the corresponding anomaly detection methods are proposed. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, Based on the review of related research fields, this paper analyzes the vulnerability of industrial control system in detail, and aims at the existence of controller control logic is easily tampered with. Based on the working principle of the controller, this paper puts forward the research idea of simulation modeling, and introduces the classical system identification and analysis method into the modeling of the controlled object. On the basis of analyzing the working principle of PLC, this paper puts forward a controller simulation model, which is designed according to the working principle of PLC, and discusses the system architecture and deployment mode of the simulation model. The flow of simulation modeling of controller is introduced in detail, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, intermediate code generation and so on. Finally, combined with the model established by the controller, the corresponding anomaly detection system is put forward. And introduced the principle and method of anomaly detection. In order to solve the problem of modeling of controlled object, this paper introduces the method of system identification and modeling. The DC component and high frequency noise in the input data of modeling are removed by the method of data preprocessing. The model of system identification is generally considered as the model of system identification. The input should be the stationary data after the DC component is removed, So in the process of modeling, the DC component model is first used to eliminate the DC component from the input data, and then the parameter order criterion and parameter identification process of the system identification method are introduced. Finally, an anomaly detection method based on db6 wavelet decomposition is proposed according to the statistical characteristics of the residual sequence of system identification. An example method is used to simulate a complete modeling process. On the basis of the controller modeling method and the controlled object modeling method, this paper integrates the two methods into the industrial control system modeling method. Based on the principle of the flume level control system in the industrial control system, a simulated experimental environment is set up, and the existing attack methods and principles for the industrial control system are analyzed. The attack threats faced by industrial control systems are classified and summarized. According to the classification results, three kinds of attacks are simulated and implemented. The results show that the proposed anomaly detection method can detect all the existing attacks and detect the unknown attacks with the same principle.
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