本文选题:高炉炉况判别 + 主成分分析 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Iron and steel smelting plays a very important role in the national economy of our country. Since 2014, the proportion of iron and steel production in the world has reached as high as 40%. Blast furnace ironmaking is the main method of modern ironmaking process. It is of great significance to ensure the smooth operation of blast furnace in the process of production, which is the basic condition for maintaining high yield and high energy utilization ratio. In this paper, a study on the stability of blast furnace condition is carried out. At present, more work has been done in the diagnosis of abnormal blast furnace conditions. Several research methods such as expert system, artificial neural network and support vector machine have emerged. However, the focus of these works is mainly on the late stage of abnormal furnace condition development, which is to diagnose the cause of abnormal furnace condition when the abnormal furnace condition is already serious. The early smooth monitoring of furnace conditions still relies on the personal experience of engineers in actual production. Moreover, most of the training methods of these models are supervised training, but the abnormal labels of furnace conditions in actual production are difficult to obtain. In order to solve these problems, an unsupervised classification model based on mixed Gao Si and naive Bayes is proposed in this paper, which focuses on the early stationary monitoring of furnace conditions, and solves the problem of data without labels or labels being unreliable. At the same time, based on the furnace condition discriminant model proposed in this paper, a set of blast furnace condition intelligent discriminant system is designed and implemented. The system can be used for visual analysis, model training and real-time monitoring of blast furnace condition data. First of all, this paper introduces and analyzes the data sets used. The outliers and missing values of the data sets are eliminated and interpolated. Through the correlation analysis, it is found that the first principal component of the furnace condition parameter data is closely related to the steadiness of the furnace condition. Based on this, the mean value, standard deviation and maximum value of the first principal component are selected to represent the stationary characteristics of the furnace condition. Then, an unsupervised classification model based on mixed Gao Si and naive Bayes algorithm is constructed for judging the stability of furnace conditions. The algorithm can be trained without supervision. It solves the problem that the traditional model has no label or label is not trusted. In this paper, the performance of the model is compared with decision tree, logical regression and support vector machine. The model is superior to the contrast model in the index of synthetic error rate, first type error rate and second type error rate. Finally, based on the proposed model, an intelligent judgement system for blast furnace condition is designed and implemented, which can be used for visual analysis of blast furnace historical data, model training and real-time monitoring of field data.
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