本文选题:Delta并联机械手 + 机构特性 ; 参考:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of industrial automation, industrial manipulator has been widely used. Delta parallel manipulator is recognized as one of the most successful parallel manipulators in design and application. The manipulator has many advantages, such as simple configuration, high stiffness, high load capacity and high positioning precision. In this paper, the three-degree-of-freedom Delta parallel manipulator is taken as the research object, and the mechanism characteristics and rigid-flexible coupling are analyzed and studied, thus providing reference for the practical engineering application of the manipulator. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, the Delta parallel manipulator is simplified properly, and the forward and inverse kinematics solutions of the manipulator are obtained by using the analytical method. On this basis, the Jacobian matrix and the velocity acceleration model of the manipulator are derived. Furthermore, the possible singular positions of manipulator are analyzed and discussed, and the reachable workspace of manipulator is analyzed on the basis of forward kinematics solution, and the correctness of the above analysis is verified. The trajectory planning of Delta parallel manipulator is analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of acceleration laws are compared. Finally, the trajectory planning of the manipulator is carried out based on the modified trapezoid rule. ADAMS and Matlab are used to simulate the trajectory planning of manipulator. The results show that the manipulator runs smoothly and can meet the requirements when using the modified trapezoid law to plan the trajectory of manipulator. The rigid body inverse dynamics model of Delta parallel manipulator is established by using the virtual work principle. The static and dynamic characteristics of the manipulator are analyzed with the help of finite element analysis software, and the weak links that affect the performance of the manipulator are found. Finally, the rigid-flexible coupling virtual prototype model of Delta parallel manipulator is established by using ADAMS and ANSYS. In view of the common "door" movement trajectory of manipulator, the dynamic characteristics of driving motor and the positioning accuracy of moving platform are compared and analyzed in rigid body model and rigid-flexible coupling model of manipulator. Under the specific workspace requirements, the dimension parameters of the manipulator follower are optimized and analyzed. Under the guidance of the economic design idea, the optimal dimension parameters of the manipulator follower are obtained. It provides a reference for the practical engineering application of the manipulator.
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