本文选题:CT图像 + 心脏分割 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of human unaccidental death. In recent years, cardiovascular disease is becoming younger and threatening human health. The heart is the core organ of the cardiovascular system. Obtaining the physiological and pathological information of the heart is the key to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases. Ct imaging technology has the advantages of fast imaging speed and clear imaging. The heart segmentation of CT images is of great significance for the diagnosis, treatment and quantitative analysis of cardiovascular diseases. However, the heart is a solid organ, the common image sequence of tomography is difficult to show the physiological information of the heart, computer-aided diagnosis, interventional therapy guidance, The complete anatomical structure of the heart is usually required for the realization of cardiac surgery navigation and other techniques. Three-dimensional visualization of medical images is the main means to understand the anatomical structure of the heart, and image segmentation is the data base to realize three-dimensional visualization of human organs. For heart image segmentation, researchers at home and abroad have proposed a variety of segmentation methods, but most of the algorithms are aimed at the atrial and ventricular segmentation, which can not meet the requirements of the whole heart segmentation. At the same time, the CT images obtained in the process of heart beating and blood flow are prone to artifact and boundary weakening, which affect the segmentation effect of heart wall. Traditional manual segmentation methods need a lot of experience of medical personnel, and the efficiency of segmentation is low. Therefore, automatic heart segmentation has been a challenging hot issue in the field of medical image processing. Based on the segmentation and recognition of medical images, this paper aims at the obvious difference between the heart image and other tissues in the slice and the high similarity between the adjacent slices in the cardiac CT image sequence. An automatic segmentation algorithm based on neural network and image saliency is proposed, and the segmented heart image is reconstructed by 3D visualization. The main content and innovation of this paper: 1. Using visual salience technology, the heart segmentation based on CT image is realized. An image saliency detection algorithm is used to calculate the significance of CT image. Finally, the original CT image is segmented by salient image, and the complete heart image is obtained. The segmentation task is divided into two parts: location and segmentation. Convolution neural network and stacking noise reduction self-coding network are used to realize the segmentation task. A convolutional neural network is constructed to locate the heart in the image. The original heart CT image is clipped using the localization results, and some non-target regions are removed, and a stack noise reduction self-coding network is constructed. The network is trained by manual segmentation image to realize the classification and recognition of the pixels belonging to the heart tissue in the cardiac CT image. Finally, the segmentation of the heart image is realized based on the classification results. 3. The segmentation results of the above segmentation algorithms are evaluated and analyzed quantitatively with the artificial segmentation results, and the segmentation results are reconstructed visually by surface rendering and volume rendering.
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