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发布时间:2018-06-07 23:33

  本文选题:轨道电路 + 补偿电容 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Track circuit is an important basic equipment of train control system. Its working state is directly related to the running efficiency and safety of the train. Ensuring the healthy operation of the track circuit is the key link of the vigorous development of the railway industry in China. However, at the present stage, the fault diagnosis technology of track circuit can not meet the requirement of the rapid development of high-speed railway in our country. How to judge the fault of track circuit in time and accurately is a difficult problem that needs to be solved urgently. Therefore, the research on fault diagnosis technology of track circuit has important practical significance and application value. In this paper, ZPW-2000A track circuit is taken as the research object, and the fault location and diagnosis method of compensating capacitor is studied. The main work is summarized as follows: firstly, according to the basic structure of ZPW-2000A track circuit, Based on the transmission line theory, the short-circuit current model of track circuit adjustment state and shunt state is established, and the model simulation data are compared with the measured data of track circuit simulator platform to verify the accuracy of the model. At the same time, the causes of errors are analyzed and discussed. Secondly, according to the shape and characteristics of the short-circuit current curve, based on the improved angle chain code algorithm, the short-circuit current curve of the normal state and different fault modes of compensating capacitance is described, and the difference between the normal and the fault curve is calculated. Fault location and fault type determination are realized. Then the influence of single and two compensating capacitor faults on track circuit adjustment and shunt state data is studied under different ballasting-resistance conditions. The characteristic parameters of adjusting state and shunting state are determined and extracted by correlation analysis. Finally, the fault diagnosis model of track circuit adjustment and shunt state compensation capacitor is established. The fault diagnosis of track circuit compensation capacitor is made by using probabilistic neural network, particle swarm optimization support vector machine and BP neural network algorithm, respectively. By comparing the diagnostic results of the three models with the prediction accuracy and the prediction time, it is concluded that the probabilistic neural network has the advantages of high prediction accuracy and short prediction time, and has certain practical application value and significance.


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