[Abstract]:Rodents can form cognitive maps representing the environment in the hippocampus to solve spatial problems. In the classical cognitive map model, the system needs a lot of physical exploration to study the spatial environment, thus solving the problem of finding the way. This process will consume a lot of time and energy. Although Hopfield's intelligence exploration model makes up for this flaw, the model does not focus on the efficiency of the path. And this model mainly comes from artificial neural network, lack of clear physiological significance. Based on the concept of intelligence exploration, this model uses the theory of neural energy coding to solve the path search problem: the model constructs an energy field through the power release of the location cell cluster, and calculates the gradient of the energy field. Then the gradient vector is used to study the problem of intelligence exploration. The results show that the proposed new intelligence exploration model can not only find the optimal path more efficiently, but also present a biophysical learning process. This new idea verifies the importance of location cells and synapses to spatial memory and the validity of energy coding and provides a theoretical basis for understanding the neurodynamic mechanism of spatial memory.
【作者单位】: 华东理工大学认知神经动力学研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(11232005;11472104) 教育部博士生基金(20120074110020)
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