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发布时间:2018-01-07 23:02

  本文关键词:黔中水利枢纽工程区域水资源演变规律及水资源配置研究 出处:《天津大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 趋势分析 人类活动 丰枯遭遇分析 水文模型 水资源配置

[Abstract]:Guizhou is located in central Guizhou Province, location advantages, economic and social development of Guizhou province is the core area. In recent years, with the accelerated pace of economic and social development, the contradiction between water supply and demand problems in Guizhou area highlights the growing shortage of resources and engineering water shortage, water cycle and the regularity of the emergence of severe restrictions the local agricultural development. According to the international standard of Guizhou belongs to water, irrigation water stressed areas; due to persistent shortage of water, Guiyang, Anshun and other key areas have also been included in the area of serious water shortage, economic and social development, residents living security and ecological environment quality are affected. Therefore, to solve the problem of water resources has become the primary task of development Guizhou. Water conservancy project in Guizhou Guizhou built to alleviate the serious shortage of water resources, with heavy war optimized management of water resources and improve the ecological environment A little of significance. Due to a huge amount of engineering, the project covers a wide range, large scale, many affected areas, construction management is very complicated, there are a series of technical problems in the management of the project construction process and the rationality of the project after the completion of the water resources, such as scheduling safety assessment, issues such as the allocation of water resources are required for optimization. Further research and demonstration. The paper in order to achieve the sustainable utilization of water resources in Guizhou area for research purposes, research in the clear regional characteristics and utilization of water resources based on the existing problems of water resources, water source area evolution probe further into the analysis, using the index of annual runoff coefficient to evaluate the reservoir construction operation caused by the evolution of human activities the impact on regional water resources; combined with the study area precipitation in a long series of data, using statistical method and Copula distribution function were abundant in source area and water receiving area suffered Analysis; according to the characteristics of karst in Guizhou is widely distributed, constructed karst hydrological model, simulation of surface runoff, the scientific calculation method provides a computational model for regional water resources; the establishment of a model of optimal allocation of water resources, set up different water transfer schemes in Guizhou area in different planning years optimal allocation of water resources, evaluation of Guizhou before and after the water conservancy project construction of water resources deficit, further for the regional water resource utilization and improve the utilization rate of water resources to provide a scientific basis. The research results and conclusions are as follows: (1) the three Chahe upstream for nearly 50 years, annual precipitation, annual evaporation. The average annual runoff hydrological sequence trend analysis, mutation analysis and periodic inspection found that there were no significant changes in the trend of the hydrological sequence. On the whole, the annual precipitation increased, annual evaporation decreased, but The annual average flow rate decreased year by year. By changing the corresponding relationship of basin construction and operation data and trend, find the construction and operation of the reservoir project has the inevitable relation to the runoff three Chahe watershed changes, especially the construction of large reservoir on the runoff reduction effect, and to reduce the probability of occurrence of floods in the lower reaches of there is a certain contribution. (2) the Copula function method and statistical method based on the constructed water source area and the Pearl River, the Yangtze River two receiving precipitation runoff encountering model. Analysis shows that, in the time scale, the probability of water diversion favorable combination of above 69%, can ensure project efficiency; water source area and the Yangtze River the water diversion basin favorable area is slightly larger than the probability of the Pearl River Basin water diversion area; flood season than in non flood season favorable probability. (3) constructed the model for water in Guizhou karst mountain area, the The complex system of karst groundwater in karst area of water was simulated. Based on the runoff on the embedded multi linear reservoir, linear reservoir in parallel and series hybrid form, an objective description of the fissure water and groundwater circulation process in karst mountainous areas; using the method of bus delay algorithm, reduces the flood simulation error; using model parameters optimization of congestion algorithm multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for MOPSO parameters, simulation results proved that the model is better, suitable for hydrology and karst mountain areas of Central Guizhou region without data calculation and long series of reservoir inflow calculation. (4) the establishment of the model of water resources allocation of water area in Guizhou, Guizhou and Guiyang Irrigation District, water supply and demand balance analysis resources in Anshun city and other units. Different types of water supply priority considering building the process model, and set the corresponding constraints in each module from space, time, user Three levels of control allocation in order, according to the different inflow scenarios typical settings, different levels of analysis in the near future, long-term planning in Guizhou area water resources supply and demand balance results, the construction of water conservancy project in Guizhou can be settled in Guiyang, Anshun urban water shortage, largely alleviate the pressure of irrigation water; at the same time, water transfer the priority for using the underground water level Guizhou recovery and maintain the ecological environment have an important significance.



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