本文关键词:新疆某水源地地下水资源评价及开发潜力分析 出处:《新疆农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:新疆某水源地于1987年建成,至2009年水源地实际出水量为7727m3/d,萎缩至设计开采量(12240m3/d)的63.13%,远远不能满足研究区生活、生产用水及绿化用水的要求。为保证用水需要,对水源地进行水资源评价和开发潜力分析,提出了报废井更新改造方案。 本文利用前人的水文地质资料、多年水位检测数据、水文地质测绘与抽水试验数据、收集到的该区水资源开发利用等方面资料,,运用GIS、PMWIN分析软件,对该地区的地下水补排系统做了初步研究,获得了以下研究成果: (1)利用国际通用的地下水模型软件—Modflow建立了某水源地地下水数值模型,并利用本阶段水文地质勘察资料和地表水、地下水开发利用资料,对模型参数和输入项进行了校核率定。 (2)均衡区地下水总的补给量为1704.87×104m3/a,减去井灌回补给量134.33×104m3/a,地下水资源量为1570.54×104m3/a,地下水可开采量为926.62×104m3/a。近3年均衡区内实际开采地下水1343.33×104m3/a,超采系数0.45,该水源地属于严重超采区。 (3)根据研究区用水需求和水源地更新改造后的供水能力,拟定了三个地下水预报方案,方案一最大日供水量2.1923×104m3,全年总供水量387.04×104m3,比2009年实际开采量增加105×104m3;方案二最大日供水量2.6308×104m3,年供水量464.45×104m3,比方案一增加77.41×104m3/a;方案三最大日供水量3.0693×104m3/d,年供水量541.86×104m3/a,比方案二增加了77.41×104m3。 研究区水源地属于严重超采区,含水层疏干10-20m,因此开发潜力不大。在保证生活、生产用水的条件下,不建议再扩张开采。
[Abstract]:A Xinjiang source built in 1987, to the actual amount of effluent water was 7727m3/d in 2009, shrinking to production design (12240m3/d) 63.13%, the study area can not meet the life and production water and green water requirements. In order to ensure the water needs, analysis of the source of water resources evaluation and development potential, put forward the report an abandoned renovation program.
In this paper, using the hydrological data of previous years, the water level detection data, hydrological geological mapping and pumping test data, the data, the development and utilization of water resources, collected by GIS and PMWIN analysis software, in the area of groundwater recharge and discharge system to do a preliminary research, obtained the following results:
(1) the groundwater numerical model of a water source area was established by using the international groundwater modeling software Modflow. The calibration parameters of the model and input items were calibrated based on the hydrogeological data and surface water and groundwater development and utilization data at this stage.
(2) the total groundwater recharge balance is 1704.87 * 104m3/a, minus the irrigation recharge back to 134.33 * 104m3/a, the amount of groundwater resources is 1570.54 * 104m3/a, groundwater extraction volume is 926.62 * 104m3/a. for nearly 3 years in the actual exploitation of groundwater balance area of 1343.33 * 104m3/a, overdraft coefficient 0.45, the water belongs to the serious mining area.
(3) according to the demand of water and water research area after the renovation of water supply capacity to three groundwater prediction scheme, water supply scheme of a maximum of 2.1923 * 104m3, 387.04 * 104m3 annual total water supply, compared to 2009 actual mining increased 105 * 104m3; water supply scheme two maximum 2.6308 * 104m3. The annual water volume of 464.45 * 104m3, 77.41 * 104m3/a ratio for the increase of water supply scheme; three maximum annual water supply of 3.0693 * 104m3/d, 541.86 * 104m3/a, 77.41 * 104m3. increase than scheme two
The water source area of the study area belongs to the serious overdraft area, and the aquifer is drained away 10-20m. Therefore, the development potential is not large. Under the condition of ensuring the life and production water, it is not recommended to expand the exploitation again.
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