发布时间:2018-01-17 15:35
本文关键词:基于GIS的庆安县耕地资源理论总量的估算研究 出处:《东北农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 耕地总量 耕地占补平衡 土地整理 耕地质量评价 ArcGIS
【摘要】:我国是一个农业大国,农业是各行各业发展的基础,良好的农业发展必定会为社会的经济发展建设、政治稳定起到支撑和推动作用。土地是一种特殊的商品,它的稀缺性(面积有限性)、位置固定性、某些地类转换的单向性等都决定了人地矛盾产生的必然性。其中,特别是建设用地占用以耕地为主的农用地矛盾比较突出。因此,在人地协调可持续发展的大背景下,寻求掌控耕地资源总量背景下耕地保护的途径对保障我国粮食安全至关重要。保护耕地问题通常分为数量保护和质量保护,并且我国己由初期的定性式数量保护研究向定性定量相结合模式的数量质量双重保护迈进。为此,我国还出台了相关的法律法规以保护耕地数量质量双平衡,“占补平衡”就是其中典型的政策之一。由于数量上的占补平衡易于达到,而质量保护这一隐性问题常常被忽视,将耕地数量和质量统一起来,探讨耕地总量是有的放矢做好耕地利用与保护的基础和关键性工作。 本文以黑龙江省庆安县为研究区域,首先在探讨分析大量相关文献及收集数据的基础上,以ArcGIS9.3为技术支撑,对庆安县的耕地质量状况进行合理、准确、科学的实证分析。并通过ArcGIS9.3软件中的空间分析模块(model builder)对耕地质量评价进行一键化建模处理,这与传统的耕地质量评价方式相比,不但提高了工作效率和成果精度,而且还节省财力、物力和人力,其准确、快速、定性定量相结合、较强的可视性、易于实现与推广等特点使其拥有广阔的应用前景。此外,软件的空间数据和属性数据的分析与处理功能能便于其数据成果的后期处理与管理工作(如快速查询、分析和显示等),也为耕地质量的动态监测奠定基础。然后,利用耕地数量、质量按等级折算和土地整理潜力分析的方法、原理与思路,在耕地质量评价研究的数据成果上对研究区域内现有的耕地数量进行按等级折算和耕地潜力分析。从而找到一个可以“以量表质”的耕地资源理论总量的估算方法,对全国重要的商品粮基地之一的庆安县耕地资源理论总量有一个全局性把握,同时也为占补平衡提供理论依据,为全国耕地理论总量估算问题的研究奠定基础。主要研究成果如下: (1)庆安县耕地质量状况属全省中低等水平。庆安县耕地国家级自然质量等从九等至十一等共3个等别,其面积分别为15.56km2、822.44km2和1156.48km2。耕地国家级利用等别从九等至十二等共4个等别,其面积分别为17.86km2.704.50km2、1244.95km2和27.17km2。耕地国家级经济等别从十等到十二等共3个等别,其面积分别为386.77km2、1257.60km2和350.11km2。 (2)将现有耕地数量质量按研究区域最高利用等别进行等别折算,得到现有耕地理论数量为1587.31km2。 (3)根据庆安县20062020年土地利用总体规划中划定的土地整治重点项目和土地整治重点区域划定耕地潜力评价单元。庆安县土地整理净增耕地面积为55.57km2,将其按折算系数表折算,即可得出庆安县耕地潜力数量为47.71km2。 (4)庆安县耕地资源理论总量由现有耕地理论数量和耕地潜力数量之和求得为1635.02km2。
[Abstract]:China is a large agricultural country, agriculture is the foundation of all walks of life development, agricultural development must be good for the development of the society, political stability play a role in promoting and supporting. The land is a kind of special commodity, its scarcity (limited area), fixed position qualitative, necessity of some kind the one-way conversion have decided to produce the contradiction between people and land. Among them, especially the construction land contradiction of agricultural land dominated by arable land more prominent. Therefore, the background of sustainable development in the people under the way of seeking the protection of cultivated land under the background of the total control of land resources are vital to guarantee food security in China. The protection of cultivated land is usually divided into the number and quality of protection and protection, our country has the quantitative study by qualitative quantitative protection to initial qualitative double protection mode into the quantity and quality. Therefore, China is still The introduction of relevant laws and regulations on the protection of cultivated land quality and quantity balance, "balance" is one of the typical policy. Because the number of the balance is easy to reach, and the quality of protection of the latent problems are often ignored, the quantity and quality of cultivated land is unified, of total cultivated land can be cultivated land utilization work the basic and key and protection.
This paper takes Qing'an County of Heilongjiang Province as the study area, first in the analysis of a large number of relevant literature and data collection based on the ArcGIS9.3 technology, the quality of the land in Qing county were reasonable, accurate and scientific analysis. And through ArcGIS9.3 software in spatial analysis module (model builder) to evaluate the quality of cultivated land a key modeling process, compared with the traditional way of cultivated land quality evaluation, not only improve the working efficiency and accuracy of the results, but also save money, material and human resources, the accurate, rapid, quantitative analysis combining with qualitative analysis, strong visibility, easy implementation and promotion etc. so that it has broad application prospects. In addition, post processing and management analysis and processing software of spatial data and attribute data to the data (such as fast query, analysis and display, etc.) for cultivated land Lay the foundation for dynamic monitoring of quality. Then, the quantity of cultivated land, quality grade conversion and land consolidation potential analysis method, principle and way of thinking, study on Evaluation of cultivated land quality data on the number of existing cultivated land in the study area of grade conversion and farming potential. In order to find a new method to estimate "the scale of quality of the cultivated land resources theory of the total, the total amount of cultivated land resources in Qing'an County of commodity grain base theory of the important has an overall grasp, but also provide a theoretical basis for the balance of arable land, lay the foundation for the theory of total estimation problem. The main research results are as follows:
(1) the quality of cultivated land in Qing'an County in the low level. The national natural quality of cultivated land in Qing'an county from nine to eleven, a total of 3 grades, the area is respectively 15.56km2822.44km2 and 1156.48km2. national farmland utilization grade from nine to twelve a total of 4 grade, 17.86km2.704.50km21244.95km2 and 27.17km2. don't land the national economy from ten until twelve and a total of 3 grades for the surface integral, the area were 386.77km21257.60km2 and 350.11km2.
(2) to calculate the quantity and quality of the cultivated land according to the highest utilization of the research area and so on. The quantity of the existing cultivated land theory is 1587.31km2.
(3) according to the Qing'an County 20062020 years of land use overall planning in the delineation of land remediation and land remediation projects focus on key areas of cultivated land potential evaluation unit cultivated area in Qing'an county. Net land consolidation is 55.57km2, according to the conversion coefficient table conversion can be obtained, the number of potential of cultivated land in Qing'an county is 47.71km2.
(4) the total amount of arable land resources in Qing'an county is determined by the amount of cultivated land theory and the amount of cultivated land, which is 1635.02km2.
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