本文选题:成都平原 切入点:耕地资源 出处:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Cultivated land resources are not only the material basis for human survival and development, but also the basic elements for ensuring the national food security strategy, maintaining social stability and ensuring the sustainable development of the ecological environment. Healthy and sustainable use will directly affect the survival, development and continuation of human society. This paper is based on the theory of sustainable development, the theory of human-land relationship, cybernetics and other basic theories. Taking the core area of Chengdu Plain, which is a demonstration area of urban and rural development and new rural construction as a whole, as the research area, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the utilization of cultivated land resources, and analyzes the natural factors that affect the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources. Based on the three major aspects of economic factors and social factors, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain, and analyzes and evaluates the status and changing trend of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in the study area from 2002 to 2010. And from the formulation of policies, improve the laws and regulations, The countermeasures and measures for the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in this region are put forward in many aspects, such as promoting and developing science and technology. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the evaluation index body for the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain is constructed. Based on the reality of the research area, The natural factors, economic factors and social factors affecting the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources are comprehensively analyzed. The evaluation index system for the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources, which includes 3 categories and 12 sub-items, is established. The evaluation results of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain are calculated and analyzed. The results show that there are 9 years from 2002 to 2010. The comprehensive evaluation values of sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain vary between 0.45 and 0.6, and the overall utilization of cultivated land resources is basically sustainable, with the characteristics of fluctuating and increasing. During the period of 2002-2003, the comprehensive evaluation value of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain is in the range of 0.45 and 0.6. Because the comprehensive value of the system natural factor subsystem index and the social factor subsystem index synthesis value simultaneously drops, thus causes the cultivated land resources system sustainable state overall to present the decline tendency. From "basic sustainability" to "unsustainable" from 2003 to 2008, the system economic factor subsystem index comprehensive value and the social factor subsystem index synthesis value all continue to increase. However, the comprehensive value of the natural factor subsystem index keeps decreasing, and the comprehensive evaluation value of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resource increases continuously under the influence of it. The index value of the natural factor subsystem of the cultivated land resource system is fluctuating and rising in the period of 2008 to 2010. As well as the multiple effects of the social factor subsystem index, such as double and double fluctuation, the comprehensive evaluation value of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land presents a downward trend as a whole. After all, the system as a whole is "unsustainable", and the whole system is at the edge of the "unsustainable" state. The situation is not optimistic. (3) put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions on the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain through the comprehensive analysis of the present situation, the changing trend and the existing problems of the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources in Chengdu Plain. The paper puts forward strengthening policy, law construction, land law enforcement and policy implementation, strict land use control system and farmland occupation balance system, strict control of non-agricultural construction occupation of cultivated land, strengthening scientific planning, optimizing land structure. To ensure cultivated land, strengthen farmers' awareness of cultivated land protection, adhere to the combination of land use and cultivation, and actively use the promotion and development of emerging scientific and technological means to effectively protect and improve the quality of cultivated land and basic farmland, To realize the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources.
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