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发布时间:2018-05-30 22:03

  本文选题:杭州湾 + 仔稚鱼 ; 参考:《上海海洋大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:本研究以杭州湾北部水域仔稚鱼群落为研究对象,分析比较了2013年和2014-2015年两年间仔稚鱼群落种类组成特征、主要种类的时空分布特征和多样性指数特征。旨在为杭州湾水域渔业资源开发利用与保护提供基础参考数据。2013年1-12月和2014年6月至2015年5月调查期间,在杭州湾北部水域设置10个采样站点。于每月大潮期间使用大型仔稚鱼网(口径1.3m,网目0.5mm)进行仔稚鱼采集。2013年共拖网118网次(2013年1月份St.9和St.10因天气状况未进行采样调查),渔获仔稚鱼143,782尾,隶属于23科60种,月平均密度为1.25 ind/m3;2014年6月至2015年5月共拖网120网次,采集到仔稚鱼96,118尾,隶属于23科55种,月平均密度为0.79ind/m3。2年的共有种类46种,且两年调查仔稚鱼种类组成差异不大。从发育阶段组成来看,两年发育阶段组成基本一致,均以前弯曲期仔鱼占绝对优势。依据仔稚鱼生态类型的不同,杭州湾北部水域仔稚鱼可划分为河口性鱼类(Es)、海洋性鱼类(Ma)、洄游性鱼类(Mi)和淡水性鱼类(Fr)四大类。2年采集到的仔稚鱼中主要以河口性种类和海洋性种类为主,并且两年的河口性种类数量均多于海洋性鱼类。对两年仔稚鱼密度分布分析表明,各站位仔稚鱼密度分布差异显著(P0.05);月份间仔稚鱼密度分布差异不显著(P0.05)。通过SPSS软件对种类数、密度与水温、盐度分别对应进行双变量相关性分析,结果显示:两年种类数均与水温极显著相关,两年密度与水温无显著相关关系;2013年种类数、密度与盐度不显著相关,2014-2015年种类数与盐度显著相关,密度与盐度无显著相关关系。两年仔稚鱼优势种均为髭缟虾虎鱼Tridentiger barbatus、棘头梅童鱼Collichthys lucidus和凤鲚Coilia mystus。2013年和2014-2015年髭缟虾虎鱼优势体长组分别为4.00~4.50mm和3.50~4.00mm;棘头梅童鱼优势体长为5.00~7.50mm和2.50-5.00mm;凤鲚的优势体长分别为10.00~15.00mm和5.00~10.00mm。2年优势种种类均集中分布在6-10月,且体长均有显著增加。多样性水平分析表明,2年调查主要种类占据绝对优势。多样性分析表明两年多样性指数季节性变化明显,均在夏季较高、冬季较低。2014年夏季Margalef丰富度指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H’)和Pielou均匀度指数(J’)均高于2013年夏季。站位聚类分析显示,基于70%相似度水平上,2013年各站位分为3类:St.6为一类,St.8为一类和其他站位组(St.1-5、St.7、St.9和St.10)为一类;2014-2015年分为4类:St.7为一类,St.8为一类,St.9和St.10为一类,其他站位组(St.1-6)为一类。月份聚类分析显示基于30%相似度水平上,2013年可以归为4类:3月一类,4-5月一类;6-10月一类;11、12月为一类;而在同样的相似度水平下,2014-2015年也归为5类:3月单独一类;4-5月归为一类;6-7月聚为一类;8-9月聚成一类;1月、10-12月为一类。
[Abstract]:In this study, the species composition, temporal and spatial distribution and diversity index of larval and juvenile communities in the northern waters of Hangzhou Bay were analyzed and compared between 2013 and 2014-2015. The aim is to provide basic reference data for the exploitation, utilization and protection of fishery resources in the waters of Hangzhou Bay. Ten sampling stations were set up in the northern waters of Hangzhou Bay between January and December 2013 and from June 2014 to May 2015. A large larval net (1.3m in diameter, 0.5mm in diameter) was used to collect juvenile fish during the spring tide every month. A total of 118trawlers were trawled in 2013 (St.9 and St.10 were not sampled in January 2013, and 143782 larvae were caught, belonging to 60 species belonging to 23 families). From June 2014 to May 2015, 96118 larvae were collected, which belong to 55 species belonging to 23 families. The average monthly density of 46 species was in 0.79ind/m3.2 year, and the composition of juvenile fish was not different in two years. In terms of developmental stage composition, the two-year developmental stage composition was basically the same, and all the larvae had an absolute predominance before the curved stage. According to the ecological types of larvae and juveniles, The larvae and juveniles in the northern waters of Hangzhou Bay can be divided into four categories: estuarine fishes (Esus), marine fishes (Maxim), migratory fishes (Mii) and freshwater fishes (Fri). The main species of juvenile and juvenile fish collected in the past two years are estuarine species and marine species. Moreover, the number of estuarine species in two years is more than that of marine fish. The analysis of density distribution of juvenile and juvenile fish in two years showed that there was significant difference in density distribution of juvenile and juvenile in different stations, but there was no significant difference in density distribution of juvenile and juvenile in different months. The bivariate correlation analysis of species number, density, water temperature and salinity was carried out by SPSS software. The results showed that the number of species in two years was significantly correlated with water temperature, but there was no significant correlation between the density of two years and water temperature, and the number of species in 2013. There was no significant correlation between density and salinity, but there was no significant correlation between density and salinity. Tridentiger barbatus was the dominant species of juvenile and pups in two years. The dominant body length of Collichthys lucidus and Coilia ectenes in Coilia mystus.2013 year and 2014-2015 were 4.00~4.50mm and 3.50 4.00mm, respectively. The dominant body length of Spinnhead was 5.00~7.50mm and 2.50-5.00mm; the dominant body length of Coilia Mystilia was 2.50-5.00mm; the dominant body length of Coilia Mystilia was 2.50-5.00mm. The dominant species of 10.00~15.00mm and 5.00~10.00mm.2 were concentrated in June-October. The body length increased significantly. The analysis of diversity level showed that the main species in the 2-year survey had an absolute advantage. The diversity analysis showed that the seasonal variation of the two year diversity index was obvious, which was higher in summer and lower in winter. The Margalef richness index Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou evenness index in summer of 2014 were higher than those in summer of 2013. The cluster analysis of stations shows that, based on the 70% similarity level, each station in 2013 was divided into three groups: 1: St.6, 1 / St.8, 1 / 1, 1 / 5, 7 / 7, and 10) for 2014-2015, 4 types of St.7, 1 / St.7, 1 / St.8, 1 / St.9 and 1 / St.10, respectively. Other station groups St.1-6) belong to one class. Monthly clustering analysis shows that based on 30% similarity level, 2013 can be classified into four categories: March, April-April, June-October, June-October, December; At the same similarity level, in 2014-2015, it is also classified into five categories: March, a separate class of April to April, a group of June to July, a group of months, August to September, and January, October to December, to a group.


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