[Abstract]:Groundwater is one of the important components of water resources for human existence. It is a valuable natural resource. It is an important factor to ensure economic development and social progress. As one of the essential natural resources for national development, the protection of good groundwater resources plays a key role in the comprehensive development of a country. Under the background of global climate change, the urbanization of China, the process of industrialization accelerated and the influence of human activities on the groundwater environment has been strengthened continuously. Under the dual influence of natural factors and human activities, the evaporation and concentration of groundwater has been strengthened in some areas, the water quality of groundwater is deteriorating, ground water is polluted with surface water, and groundwater is overtaken seriously. Groundwater environment problems such as underground water level, land desertification, ground subsidence and ground fissure have become one of the most important factors restricting the sustainable development of economy and society. Groundwater vulnerability reflects the potential possibility of groundwater system pollution. The research results of groundwater vulnerability can be used for land use planning and groundwater. Water resources protection planning, groundwater quality monitoring and so on provide reference, can also improve public awareness of the risk of groundwater pollution, and set up a main idea of prevention. Based on the results of groundwater vulnerability assessment under the changing environment, the following studies are carried out on the protection and management of groundwater resources in China in the future: (1) forecast the gas. The net groundwater recharge and the depth of groundwater level in China under the climate change scenario, and then using the DRASTIC model to predict the vulnerability of groundwater vulnerability in China and the vulnerability of groundwater under the climate change scenarios. (2) to protect groundwater resources as a prerequisite, the groundwater vulnerability in China under the climate change scenario is restricted as a constraint. Index, forecast the urban expansion of China; (3) the groundwater vulnerability in China under changing environment (climate change and urban expansion) is predicted with the results of groundwater vulnerability assessment and urban expansive land use in climate change scenarios. (4) through modern investment portfolio theory, in the changing environment The groundwater vulnerability in China is the index factor, and the investment management of groundwater resources in China is optimized. The results show that: (1) climate change has a very strong influence on the net supply of groundwater and the depth of underground water level. In the future, the net ground water supply will increase by 1cm to 2cm in most areas of China, and the depth of groundwater level will increase by 1m. By 3M and increasing year by year, the level of groundwater vulnerability in China will continue to spread around the coastal areas, the level of vulnerability of groundwater is increasing, the area of high vulnerability, the area of the high fragile and medium fragile areas will be greatly expanded, and the area of the lower fragile and the low vulnerability areas will be substantially shrinking. By 2050, the area of high vulnerability in China's groundwater vulnerability level, high vulnerability zone, medium vulnerability zone, low vulnerability area and low vulnerability area will be 5.32%, 4.47%, -1.2%, -3.03% and -5.31%, the total change amount is up to 20%. (2) China will face serious urban expansion and urbanization in the future. In.2010, China's urban area accounted for 1.18% of the total area, the urban area accounted for 2.95% of the total area in 2030, and the urban area reached 3.17% in 2050, which means that by 2050, the land of 305400 square kilometers was replaced by the city, and the city was expanded under the historical trend and the city under the groundwater vulnerability was restricted by the city. The expansion results showed that the area of urban expansion was the same in 2030 and 2050, but there was a great difference in the distribution of the two. (3) the risk investment management analysis showed that there was a high degree of uncertainty in the process of groundwater management. In the case of the lowest risk, the proportion of investment in the three management stages should be 0,37% and 63%, respectively. However, in the case of the highest income, all the money should be invested in the first management phase (2020-2030 years). The risk of uncertainty will increase with the increase of income. When the benefit increases from 0.6118 to 0.6230, the risk will increase from 0.0118 to the 0.0297. environment, and the planning and investment management are a machine. The research topic which coexists with the challenge is complicated, long-term and uncertain. In the future research, we must take the protection and management of groundwater resources as the focus of research.
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