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发布时间:2018-10-08 14:43
[Abstract]:The concept of "ecotourism" has gradually entered the public view since it was put forward in 1980's. Our country is a large country of resources, the ecotourism resources are very rich, but at present our country's ecotourism is still in the initial stage of development, the legal system of ecotourism resources protection is not mature, the legal system is not perfect. The main body of the development planning is not clear, the eco-tourism certification system has not been established, the resources rotation has not yet been institutionalized, the ecological compensation is lack of effectiveness, and the effectiveness of supervision is low, etc. These problems have led to the destruction of ecotourism resources in the process of development and utilization, which is extremely disadvantageous to the protection of ecotourism resources. Therefore, how to effectively protect ecotourism resources while developing ecotourism is the focus of our future work. This paper briefly introduces the meaning, characteristics and classification of ecotourism resources, and at the same time refers to the advanced experiences of the United States, Australia and Japan in the legal system of ecotourism resources protection. Some concrete and feasible suggestions are put forward to perfect the legal system of ecotourism resources protection in China, which is expected to promote the healthy development of the protection of ecotourism resources in China. In order to perfect the legal system of ecotourism resources protection in China, special legislation should be established to enhance the coordination between laws and regulations, to perfect the system of ecotourism resources development planning, to make clear the main body of development planning, and to ensure the unity and scientificity of the planning. At the same time, various measures are taken to promote the effective participation of community residents in the process of resource investigation and evaluation. Speed up the implementation of ecotourism resources rest system, bring it into the legal orbit as soon as possible, increase publicity and promotion, expand the range of eco-tourism resources compensation, seek for a variety of compensation methods, ensure the effectiveness of ecological compensation; Improve the supervision system of ecotourism resources, adopt the regional hierarchical management model, set up regional regulatory bodies, centralize the authority of supervision, avoid the separation of government and enterprises by means of franchising. Clear the role of regulatory agencies to improve the effectiveness of supervision.


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