[Abstract]:With the increasing of population and the rapid development of economy, higher water quantity and water quality is a difficult problem for urban development. But the quantity of water is not inexhaustible, and the problem of water resource is becoming more and more serious. The water resources in Xi'an are relatively poor, the climatic conditions are not good, the geological environment is relatively bad, and the water shortage is becoming more and more serious, which is the primary reason that hinders the sustainable development of economy and society in Xi'an. Therefore, it is of great significance to study how to further optimize the allocation of water resources and improve the utilization rate of water resources in Xi'an city to promote the sustainable development of economy and environment. In this paper, the sustainable utilization of water resources as the guiding ideology, is the use of water resources in Xi'an, the main research results have been achieved as follows: (1) the paper introduced some ideas in the utilization of urban water resources, We should deeply understand the concept of water resources cost, follow the natural law of hydrosphere circulation, and pay equal attention to the optimal allocation of multi-resources, development and water saving within the carrying capacity of urban water resources. (2) the paper introduces the situation of water resources in Xi'an. As a typical example of water use in Xi'an city of China, there are some problems such as shortage of resources, uneven distribution of time and space, serious environmental damage and so on. (3) the problems of water resources utilization in Xi'an are introduced, which are mainly unreasonable allocation of water resources. Increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand, obviously unreasonable allocation of water-saving facilities, low utilization rate of water resources, increasingly serious urban water pollution, etc. (4) the experience of advanced water resources utilization in major cities of developed countries, such as New York and London, is introduced. The research on water resources utilization in these countries started early, established a perfect judicial, supervision and management system, and introduced the application of high-tech technology in water resources utilization in different degrees. (5) from the perspective of perfecting the optimal allocation of water resources in Xi'an City, The countermeasures of solving Xi'an water resources problem are studied from four aspects: scientifically planning the contradiction between supply and demand, strengthening the construction of reclaimed water infrastructure and improving the utilization rate of water resources. In order to solve the problem of water resources in Xi'an, it is necessary to make scientific planning, unified management, strengthen policy guidance, increase the propaganda of saving water, rationally allocate water resources, and combine development with water saving in order to guarantee the complete legal system.
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