[Abstract]:Based on the survey data of bottom trawl fishery resources in Tangshan Bay in May and October of 2012, the relative importance index, diversity index and community ABC curve were used. The present situation of fishery resources and community diversity in three seasons were studied. The results showed that there were 59 species of marine animals, including 27 species of fish, 17 species of crustaceans, 7 species of shellfish, 4 species of echinoderm, 3 species of cephalopod, 1 species of polychaetes, 35 species of catch in spring, 36 species in summer and 37 species in autumn. The average catch rate (mass) in spring is 3.50 kg/h, 13.68 kg/h, in summer, 16.99 kg/h. in autumn. The results showed that: (1) the difference of catch rate and its component season was obvious. In terms of biomass, cephalopods are dominant in spring, followed by fishes and crustaceans in summer, followed by fish in summer. In autumn, crustaceans took the second place. (2) the seasonal variation of the spatial distribution of fish catch rate was obvious, and the catch rate in shallow water area was higher than that in deep water area in spring. (3) the seasonal variation of dominant species in summer is higher than that in shallow water. (4) H' is higher in spring than in summer and autumn. (5) ABC curve analysis shows that the community is seriously disturbed.
【作者单位】: 浙江海洋学院水产学院;乐清市水产科学研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(41006075) 浙江省重中之重学科(090801) 唐山湾国际旅游岛管委会资助项目“唐山湾游钓规划海域海洋生物资源调查”
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