[Abstract]:The exploitation of natural resources in minority areas is prone to mechanical application of the existing traditional development mode, which may lead to the problems of resources and environment, and may lead to uneven coordination of interests and cultural frictions among ethnic groups. Humanism geography thinks that "human" is the dominant force in space, and space condenses the subjective mapping of "human". Therefore, natural resources in space experience high frequency of human-land interaction and nourish rich spiritual connotation. The exploitation of resources in minority areas is not only the economic optimal use of resources, but also a historical opportunity for ethnic minorities to actively adjust the relationship between man and land in the living space. Therefore, the development strategy should be adopted to support the spatial diffusion of minority culture.
【作者单位】: 福建对外经济贸易职业技术学院外语系;闽江学院旅游系;
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