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发布时间:2018-11-20 12:50
[Abstract]:Tourism is called sunrise industry and smokeless industry. At present, it has become an important industry to promote economic development in all regions of China. In recent years, as the "wonders of the world" and the seat of "Red Beach," one of the ten most beautiful wetlands in the country, Panjin City has closely grasped the opportunity period of the city of resource transformation and vigorously developed the tertiary industry, especially the social service industry led by tourism. So that Panjin City tourism has been rapid development. Tourism is of great strategic significance to the economic and social transformation and development of Panjin, especially under the new normal state of economy, tourism is an important driving force to promote stable economic growth, an important breakthrough in adjusting the industrial structure, and an important grasp of the benefits to the people's livelihood. In the national economy and social development in an important strategic position more prominent. Panjin is a young city, tourism is also a young industry, how to better integrate the two together, improve the overall competitiveness of the city, need to play a dynamic role of the market, but also play a positive role of the government. Based on the field investigation of the development of tourist resources in Panjin City, this paper makes use of the theory of public goods by means of analyzing the local actual situation, synthesizing the literature, investigating the field, comparing the analysis method and summing up the experience, etc. The theory of government intervention, the theory of government coordination and the theory of sustainable development are used to analyze and explore the supervision behavior of Panjin city government in the development of tourism resources. This paper starts from the type of tourism resources in Panjin city, studies the current situation of tourism resources development in Panjin city and finds out the deficiency, and then analyzes the reasons for the lack of function of local government in supervision. Based on the analysis of the causes of the problems, some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the government supervision in the development of tourism resources in Panjin City are put forward, namely, first, to strengthen the macro management of tourism resources by the government, secondly, to strengthen the efficiency of government services; Third, increase the implementation of tourism publicity; fourth, promote the development of tourism resources management system reform. Relying on the world's largest Reed and China's most beautiful wetland red beach and other natural resources, tourism has become the most dynamic leading industry in Panjin tertiary industry. Based on the current situation of tourism resources development in Panjin, this paper has certain practical significance for promoting the development of service industry, speeding up the transformation and upgrading of resource-based cities, and exploring the construction of intelligent cities.


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