[Abstract]:The fish resources of Hanfeng Lake were investigated during the high water level period of the three Gorges Reservoir from October to November 2012 and the low water level period of the three Gorges Reservoir from May to June 2013, and the species composition and dominant species of the Hanfeng Lake under the high and low water level of the three Gorges Reservoir were studied. Biodiversity and community similarity were identified and discussed in this paper. The disturbance characteristics of fish community structure and the propagation and discharge of fish community in Hanfeng Lake under different water levels were identified and discussed. A total of 17,553 fish, 42 species, belonging to 31 genera, 7 families, 4 orders, were collected. 33 species of fish were collected at low water level in the three Gorges Reservoir and 34 species were collected at high water level. The dominant species of Hanfeng Lake at the low water level of the three Gorges Reservoir are silver Squalidus argentatus, like bream Pseudobrama simoni,kz and Hemiculter leucisculus, Mongolian Culter mongolicus and Cyprinus (Cyprinus) carpio;. At the high water level of the three Gorges Reservoir, it is similar to bream, common carp, Carassius auratus, of crucian carp, Zhang's kz and Hemiculter tchangi and Silurus asotus. of catfish. The Shannon-wiener diversity index (H'), Simpson dominance index (D), Pielous evenness index (E) and Margalef species richness index (R) in Hanfeng Lake were 1.63 0.67 0.46 and 3.52 at the low water level of the three Gorges Reservoir respectively. At the high water level of the three Gorges Reservoir, it is 2.15,0.80,0.61 and 4.34 respectively. When the three Gorges Reservoir is low and high water level, the Bray-Curtis similarity of fish community structure in Hanfeng Lake is only 26.52%, and the similarity is only 26.52%. The structure of fish community of Hanfeng Lake in the three Gorges Reservoir is similar to that of silver, kz, crucian carp and catfish. The main species of community structure difference were bream and Mongolia, and the cumulative difference contribution rate was 90.67%. The fish community in Hanfeng Lake was disturbed at high water level and seriously at low water level. It is suggested that silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp should be released every year and the scale of discharge should be further increased.
【作者单位】: 水利部中国科学院水工程生态研究所 水利部水工程生态效应与生态修复重点实验室;华中农业大学水产学院;
【基金】:国家十二五水专项子课题(2013ZX07104-004) 国家十二五科技支撑项目(2012BAC06B04) 三峡后续工作科研项目(2013HXKY2-3) 中国三峡集团公司监测项目(0382013)
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