[Abstract]:Land is the basis of the existence of human society. Whether it is agricultural production or industrial production, it is necessary to absorb the necessary raw materials from the land. It can be said that land is very important to the survival and development of human beings. No matter what kind of social system human society is in, the degree of development is high or low, can not be separated from land, and cultivated land resources are the core of land, but also the dependence of human social development. At present, the situation of cultivated land in our country is serious, the quantity of cultivated land is limited, but the population is large, the amount of cultivated land per capita is seriously insufficient, the reserve resources of cultivated land are scarce, and the ecological damage is serious. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a strict cultivated land protection system to save the current situation of our country. The balance system of cultivated land resources occupation and compensation is the basic system of cultivated land protection in our country, which is of great significance to the maintenance of cultivated land quantity and quality. The current balance system of cultivated land resources in China has some limitations: due to the rapid development of industrialization and the promotion of urbanization, all kinds of urban construction and industrial plant land and facilities construction have occupied a large number of cultivated land. And there is no lack of high-quality cultivated land, which can be reclaimed cultivated land reserve resources are seriously scarce; At the same time, the balance of occupation and compensation of cultivated land resources in China is a regionalized scheme of occupation and compensation, which is not allowed to replenish land across provinces. Moreover, although the index of cultivated land occupation and compensation is allowed to be traded in the market, due to the low level of marketization of cultivated land occupation and compensation in China and the imperfection of relevant laws and regulations, there are many phenomena of illegal trading of cultivated land indicators. It has caused great damage to the land market of our country. Based on the basic theory of the balance of occupation and compensation of cultivated land resources in China, combined with the current legal provisions of land and the problems faced by the balance system of occupation and compensation of cultivated land resources in China, this paper puts forward the implementation of the balance system of occupation and compensation before occupation, and the improvement of the grade system of cultivated land. Carry out land consolidation work in urban and rural areas, cancel unreasonable land use examination and approval, rectify the land management system, improve the land transaction mechanism, and establish an ecological evaluation mechanism for the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation. In short, I hope to provide reference for perfecting the balance system of cultivated land resources occupation and compensation in our country.
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