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发布时间:2019-05-21 13:34
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization in China, a large number of agricultural population has changed from rural to urban, and the urban population has grown rapidly, followed by the change of land use types and the increase of construction land demand. Small towns are the connection between large and medium-sized cities, as well as between large and medium-sized cities and the vast rural areas, which can not be ignored in the process of urbanization. Based on the land resources use of small and medium-sized towns in the process of urbanization, this paper takes Taigu County of Shanxi Province as the research object, and analyzes the dynamic changes of land use types in Taigu County from 2003 to 2013. Taking urbanization rate as reference, the change trend of three land use types is analyzed, and on this basis, the main economic indexes and their correlation related to the scale of construction land development are further analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: during the 11 years of urbanization in Taigu County, Shanxi Province, the area of cultivated land in agricultural land increased slightly, while the area of other types of agricultural land gradually decreased, the area of construction land increased significantly, and the area of unused land gradually decreased. The change law of construction land is consistent with the change trend of urbanization rate. In the process of urbanization, the total population, fixed assets investment and regional GDP of the main economic indicators are positively correlated with the scale of construction land (P0.001), among which the most influential factor is regional GDP,. At the same time, combined with the overall planning of land use in Taigu County from 2006 to 2020, the potential of construction land is analyzed from the point of view of "new construction land", "increase or decrease link", idle and inefficient land and so on. Through the above analysis, this paper summarizes the characteristics of land resources use change in the process of urbanization in Taigu County, and analyzes the existing problems, and tries to strengthen the protection of cultivated land and improve the intensive utilization rate of construction land. To promote the ecological construction of land resources, strengthen the sustainable use of land resources, such as land law enforcement, and provide a theoretical basis for the rational application of land resources in the process of urbanization in China, as well as the development of small towns.


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