发布时间:2018-01-07 07:36
本文关键词:族群离散与文化离散研究的来龙去脉 出处:《学术探索》2012年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Discrete (Diaspora), is a historical phenomenon, is also a social phenomenon exists today. After World War II, the word meaning discrete changes, the expansion of the research into discrete experience for other ethnic groups of the country's political, economic and living, and so on, the theme of gender studies together. Compared with foreign research in the later, the status of research Chinese. The definition of discrete discrete the concept of ethnic group and its derivative content, the origin is helpful for us to understand the ethnic identity and cultural identity, and the characterization of these identity in daily life.
【作者单位】: 三峡大学长江三峡发展研究院;桂林金钟山旅游研究院;
【正文快照】: 离散(Diaspora),既是一个历史的现象,亦是当今存在的社会现象。首字母大写的离散(Dias-pora)一词专指因为历史事件而分散到世界各地的犹太人(Cohen,2008:1)。二战后,离散这个词的词义发生变化,逐渐从犹太人群体转移到描述各种族群团体因为政治、文化、社会等等情形而被迫离开
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