CHAPTER 1: RNAi for gene functional analysis and pest control, a Review
1 Introduction
2 Biology, Ecology and Management of Diamondback moth
2.1 Diamondback moth: A Chinese perspective
2.2 Basic biology
2.3 General life cycle
2.4 Current DBM management strategies
2.5 Environmental friendly integrated pest approaches -Biological control of DBM
3 Chitin synthases in Insects
3.1 Regulation of insect chitin synthases
4 RNA interference
4.1 RNAi pathways and mechanism
4.2 RNAi for insect pest management
4.3 Factors affecting RNAi efficiency
5 RNAi for gene functional analysis
CHAPTER 2: Gene cloning and Functioanl analysis of chitin synthase gene1
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Insects
2.2 Vectors
2.3 Gene
2.4 Enzymes and Kits
2.5 Microbiological media
2.6 Stock solutions
2.7 Main reagents for plasmid extraction
2.8 Gene cloning
2.9 Polymerase Chain Reaction
2.10 Gel Electrophoresis and Purification
2.11 Ligation
2.12 Preparation of competent cells for transformation
2.13 Confirmation of transformed bacteria by PCR and Plasmid digestion
2.14 ds RNA vector construction
2.15 IPTG induction for ds RNA production
2.16 RNA digest
2.17 Bioassay of the transformed bacteria expressing ds RNA
2.18 Gene expression analysis
2.19 Statistics and Data analysis
3 Results
3.1 Gene cloning
3.2 Gene expression analysis of Px CHS1
3.3 ds RNA production confirmation in bacteria
3.4 Effect of ds RNA feeding on DBM larvae mortality
3.5 Effect on growth parameters
3.6 Effect of ds RNA feeding time on gene expression
4 Conclusion
CHAPTER 3: Differential gene expression analysis upon ds RNA feeding
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 ds RNA feeding and sample preparation for RNA- seq
2.2 RNA isolation c DNA library construction and Illumina sequencing
2.3 De Novo transcriptome assembly, annotation and differential expression analysis
3 Results
3.1 Sequencing and de novo assembly of the P. xylostella transcriptome and differential geneexpression analysis
3.2 Functional annotation
3.3 Gene ontology (GO) and clusters of orthologous groups (COG) classification
3.4 Functional annotation of differentially expressed genes (DEGs)
4 Conclusion
CHAPTER 4: General Discussion and Conclusion
4.1 Discussion
4.2 Conclusion
Author information
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