发布时间:2021-06-17 04:28
农业害虫(Insect Pests,IPs)是制约作物增产的重要因子之一。作物保护旨在防止和避免农业害虫造成的损失。长期以来,育种家和植保科学家一直奋斗于寻求更好的方法应对农业害虫危害,并创制了大量技术、方法,各种技术均对病虫害防治有着重要贡献,但不同技术也同时伴随着各种局限。目前,农药是控制农业害虫危害最有效和最简单的方法。杀虫剂在高效控制农业害虫的同时,通常伴随着严重环境污染和生态破坏。目前,虽然已有大量工作报道杀虫剂对植物和动物的直接危害,但是其是否直接影响植物生理、代谢过程鲜有研究。在本研究中,我们在营养阶段给水稻喷了 2次种不同类型商业杀虫剂阿维菌素(Abamectin,ABM)和噻虫嗪(Thiamethoxam,TXM)。随后,利用高通量测序技术对各样本基因表达水平进行检测。在ABM处理下,共鉴定到470个基因发生差异表达(DEG),GO富集分析发现这些基因主要参与多个重要生物学过程,包括环境应激响应、信号传递和蛋白代谢等。与ABM相比,TXM对植物内源性代谢过程的影响略大。在TXM处理的水稻中,我们检测到670个DEGs。其中,504个基因为TXM特异诱导差异表达基因,这...
【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:137 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Crop production is at risk
1.2 Next generation techniques and GMOs
1.3 Insect Pest Management
1.4 Chemical control methods of IPs
1.5 Significance of rice
1.6 RNA-seq as a DEGs measuring tool
1.7 Objectives of the study
Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Importance of rice as a monocot
2.2 Factors affecting rice production
2.3 Effects of crop protection on yield level
2.4 Strategies of IPs control
2.5 Methods of pest control
2.5.1 Biological control
2.5.2 Mechanical control
2.5.3 Cultural methods of IPs control
2.5.4 Microbial control:
2.5.5 Transgenic control method of IPs
2.6 Pests and diseases of Rice
2.7 Insects
2.8 Nematode
2.9 Diseases
2.10 Integrated pest management (IPM)in rice
2.10.1 Plants resistance to IPs
2.11 R-genes
2.12 Pesticides use
2.12.1 Chemical control methods
2.12.2 Thiamethoxam (TXM) (C_8H_(10)CIN_5O_3S)
2.13 Cons and Pros of Chemical control method:
2.14 Auxin
2.14.1 Regulatory roles of auxin
2.15 Salicylic acid
2.15.1 Regulatory roles of SA in plants
2.16 Regulation of gene expression
2.16.1 Transcriptional regulation
2.16.2 Regulation at post-transcription
2.17 Alternative splicing
2.17.1 Mechanism of splicing and AS regulatory elements
2.17.2 Significance
2.18 Long non-coding RNAs (IncRNAs)
2.18.1 LncRNAS mediated gene expression
2.18.2 Saturation
2.19 Transposable elements
2.19.1 Classification of TEs
Chapter 3 Identification of DEGs and DE AS
3.1 Materials and Methods
3.1.1 Plant materials
3.1.2 RNA extraction and Illumina sequencing
3.1.3 Analysis of RNA-seq data
3.1.4 Differential gene expression analysis
3.1.5 AS events and gene detection
3.1.6 Differential AS gene detection and AS function
3.1.7 Synthesis of cDNA and validation of DEGs by RT-qPCR
3.2 Results
3.2.0 Identification of DEGs under ABM treated rice
3.2.1 An overview of ABM-induced DEGs through MapMan analysis
3.2.2 Identification of DEGs under TXM applied rice An overview of TXM-induced DEGs through MapMan analysis
3.2.3 Identification and characterization of the Co-expressed DEGs by two pesticides
3.2.4 Identification of FT genes in RNA-seq data set Expression patterns of FT genes in RNA-seq data
3.2.5 Identification of alternative splicing (AS) events in pesticides applied rice
Chapter 4 Characterization of DELs and DE TEs
4.1 Materials and Methods
4.1.1 Plant materials
4.1.2 RNA extraction and Illumina sequencing
4.1.3 LncRNA conservation analysis
4.1.4 Detection of differentially expressed IncRNAs
4.1.5 Prediction of miRNA,IncRNA and coding genes network
4.1.6 Differentially expressed Transposable elements
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Characterization of IncRNAs in rice under pesticides treatments
4.2.2 Transposable elements (TEs) are involved in the alteration of GE in the locale
Chapter 5 Discussion
5.1 Alternative splicing as a source of GE in pesticides treated rice
5.2 Differentially expressed IncRNAs (DELs) are the means to regulate gene expression
5.3 Transposons might be involved in gene expression regulation
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Future perspectives
List of publications
【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:137 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Crop production is at risk
1.2 Next generation techniques and GMOs
1.3 Insect Pest Management
1.4 Chemical control methods of IPs
1.5 Significance of rice
1.6 RNA-seq as a DEGs measuring tool
1.7 Objectives of the study
Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Importance of rice as a monocot
2.2 Factors affecting rice production
2.3 Effects of crop protection on yield level
2.4 Strategies of IPs control
2.5 Methods of pest control
2.5.1 Biological control
2.5.2 Mechanical control
2.5.3 Cultural methods of IPs control
2.5.4 Microbial control:
2.5.5 Transgenic control method of IPs
2.6 Pests and diseases of Rice
2.7 Insects
2.8 Nematode
2.9 Diseases
2.10 Integrated pest management (IPM)in rice
2.10.1 Plants resistance to IPs
2.11 R-genes
2.12 Pesticides use
2.12.1 Chemical control methods
2.12.2 Thiamethoxam (TXM) (C_8H_(10)CIN_5O_3S)
2.13 Cons and Pros of Chemical control method:
2.14 Auxin
2.14.1 Regulatory roles of auxin
2.15 Salicylic acid
2.15.1 Regulatory roles of SA in plants
2.16 Regulation of gene expression
2.16.1 Transcriptional regulation
2.16.2 Regulation at post-transcription
2.17 Alternative splicing
2.17.1 Mechanism of splicing and AS regulatory elements
2.17.2 Significance
2.18 Long non-coding RNAs (IncRNAs)
2.18.1 LncRNAS mediated gene expression
2.18.2 Saturation
2.19 Transposable elements
2.19.1 Classification of TEs
Chapter 3 Identification of DEGs and DE AS
3.1 Materials and Methods
3.1.1 Plant materials
3.1.2 RNA extraction and Illumina sequencing
3.1.3 Analysis of RNA-seq data
3.1.4 Differential gene expression analysis
3.1.5 AS events and gene detection
3.1.6 Differential AS gene detection and AS function
3.1.7 Synthesis of cDNA and validation of DEGs by RT-qPCR
3.2 Results
3.2.0 Identification of DEGs under ABM treated rice
3.2.1 An overview of ABM-induced DEGs through MapMan analysis
3.2.2 Identification of DEGs under TXM applied rice An overview of TXM-induced DEGs through MapMan analysis
3.2.3 Identification and characterization of the Co-expressed DEGs by two pesticides
3.2.4 Identification of FT genes in RNA-seq data set Expression patterns of FT genes in RNA-seq data
3.2.5 Identification of alternative splicing (AS) events in pesticides applied rice
Chapter 4 Characterization of DELs and DE TEs
4.1 Materials and Methods
4.1.1 Plant materials
4.1.2 RNA extraction and Illumina sequencing
4.1.3 LncRNA conservation analysis
4.1.4 Detection of differentially expressed IncRNAs
4.1.5 Prediction of miRNA,IncRNA and coding genes network
4.1.6 Differentially expressed Transposable elements
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Characterization of IncRNAs in rice under pesticides treatments
4.2.2 Transposable elements (TEs) are involved in the alteration of GE in the locale
Chapter 5 Discussion
5.1 Alternative splicing as a source of GE in pesticides treated rice
5.2 Differentially expressed IncRNAs (DELs) are the means to regulate gene expression
5.3 Transposons might be involved in gene expression regulation
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Future perspectives
List of publications