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Soil Nitrous Oxide Emission as Affected by Application of Ph

发布时间:2021-02-03 16:33
  磷(P)是地球上组成生命有机体的最重要元素之一,并且被认为是植物生长的大量营养元素之一。世界大多数农业土壤都是缺乏磷的(土壤溶液浓度为0.05mg g-1。磷在光合作用,蛋白质的合成和基因染色体的核心组成部分中扮演着几个重要作用。土壤缺磷导致作物生长和生产力的下降。因此,施用不同的有机和无机肥料去修复农业土壤中的磷元素是很有必要的。磷的应用通过分解有机物、氮的矿化(N)和影响土壤中微生物的生长与活动,从而激发了生物地球化学循环。磷进入土壤中通过C和N的循环大幅度地影响N2O排放。然而,目前施磷对N2O排放的影响没有得到很好的理解。因此,我们设计了一些实验室内和盆栽试验去研究在缺磷的土壤中,P对N2O排放的影响。本研究中冲积缺磷土壤在所有试验中被使用。风干的不同磷水平(0,20,40和50 mg kg-1)的土壤在培养箱中培养(温度控制在25℃。尿素肥料作为不同氮剂量(0和200 mg kg-1),在水孔隙度(WFPS)为60%和90%的不同土壤湿度条件下施用在P试验土壤中。此外,生物炭(0和300 g/盆)单独使用以及与... 

【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:119 页


List of abbreviation
Chapter 1: Background and literature review
    1.1 Greenhouse gases
    1.2 Sources of greenhouse gases
    1.3 Climate change
2O emissions">    1.4 Factors stimulating N2O emissions
        1.4.1 Soil physical properties
        1.4.2 Moisture
        1.4.3 Temperature
        1.4.4 Soil p H
        1.4.5 Easily available carbon
        1.4.6 Nitrogenous fertilizers
        1.4.7 Soil microorganisms
        1.4.8 Enzymes
        1.4.9 Soil mineral nitrogen
        1.4.10 Land use change
2O production inhibitor">        1.4.11 N2O production inhibitor
    1.5 Phosphorus
        1.5.1 History and role of P in soil
        1.5.2 Phosphorus chemistry in soil
        1.5.3 Phosphorus content in soil
        1.5.4 Phosphorus losses from soil
    1.6 Biochar background
        1.6.1 Biochar composition
        1.6.2 Biochar alters soil properties
        1.6.3 Biochar influences plants growth
    1.7 Research objectives
Chapter 2: Materials and Methods
    2.1 Soil sampling
        2.1.2 Soil analysis
        2.1.3 Analysis of gas fluxes
        2.1.4 Gas flux calculation
Chapter 3: Effect of different levels of phosphorus and soil moisture on nitrous oxideemission
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Materials and Methods
        3.2.1 Experimental designed and treatments
        3.2.2 Gas and soil sampling
        3.2.3 Statistical analysis
    3.3 Results
2O">        3.3.1 Dynamics of N2O
+-N) and nitrate (NO3
--N) concentrations">        3.3.2 Soil ammonium (NH4
+-N) and nitrate (NO3
--N) concentrations
        3.3.3 Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and available P concentrations
    3.4 Discussion
    3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Effect of phosphorus under soil moisture on nitrous oxide emission
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Materials and methods
        4.2.1 Soil characteristic and analysis
        4.2.2 Experimental design, gas sampling and analysis
        4.2.3 Statistical analysis
    4.3 Results
        4.3.1 Nitrous oxide emission
        4.3.2 Soil mineral nitrogen
        4.3.3 Available phosphorus
        4.3.4 Dissolved organic carbon
    4.4 Discussion
    4.5 Conclusion
O emission under controlgreenhouse conditions">Chapter 5: Phosphorus and biochar application effects on N2O emission under controlgreenhouse conditions
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Material and Methods
        5.2.1 Soil collection and experimental design
        5.2.3 Controlled environmental condition
        5.2.4 Properties of biochar and phosphorous
        5.2.5 Soil Sampling and Analysis
        5.2.6 Gas measurement and analysis
        5.2.7 Statistical Analysis
    5.3 Results
O emission">        5.3.1 Dynamics of N2O emission
        5.3.2 Available phosphorus concentration
        5.3.3 Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations
+-N) and nitrate (NO3
--N) concentrations">        5.3.4 Soil ammonium (NH4
+-N) and nitrate (NO3
--N) concentrations
    5.4 Discussion
O emission">        5.4.1 Effects of phosphorus on soil N2O emission
O emission">        5.4.2 Biochar affects soil N2O emission
Oemission">        5.4.3 Combined application of phosphorus and biochar enhances soil N2Oemission
    5.5 Conclusions
Chapter 6: General discussion and future perspective
    6.1 General discussion
O emission">    6.2 N2O emission
    6.3 Future Perspective
Biography of the Author
List of Publication

[1]Amendment of Acid Soils with Crop Residues and Biochars[J]. YUAN Jin-Hua1,2, XU Ren-Kou1, WANG Ning1 and LI Jiu-Yu1 1State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China) 2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China).  Pedosphere. 2011(03)
[2]Quick Measurement of CH4, CO2 and N2O Emissions from a Short-Plant Ecosystem[J]. 王跃思,王迎红.  Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2003(05)
[3]Comparison of Manual and Automatic Methods for Measurement of Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Fields[J]. 郑循华,王明星,王跃思,沈壬兴,李晶.  Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 1998(04)




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