Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Justification
1.4 General objectives
1.5 Literature review
1.5.1 Soil salinity
1.5.2 Effects of salinity on plants
1.5.3 Why study tall fescue and bermudagrass?
1.6 Recent advancements in Studying plant salinity stress
1.6.1 Association mapping using molecular markers
1.6.2 Plant transcriptomics
1.6.3 Exogeneous plant growth regulators
1.6.4 MicroRNAs and their target genes
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Collection of tall fescue plant materials for screening
2.1.1 Salt treatment
2.1.2 Measurement of functional phenotypic traits
2.1.3 DNA isolation and SSR analysis
2.1.4 Population structure analysis
2.1.5 Association mapping
2.1.6 Ranking of most tolerant and sensitive accessions
2.2 Selection of most tolerant cultivar for transcriptome analysis
2.2.1 Temporal salt treatment
2.2.2 Total RNA Extraction,Library Construction,Sequencing,and analysis
2.3 Hormonal treatment
2.3.1 Quantification of functional physiological parameters
2.3.2 Ion accumulation and membrane integrity
2.3.3 Chlorophyll content and Photosystem Ⅱ determination
2.3.4 Gene regulation level
2.4 MicroRNA in bermudagrass root growth bermudagrass
2.4.1 Distinction of tolerant and sensitive cultivars
2.4.2 RNA extraction,sequencing,and small RNA library construction
2.4.3 small RNA data processing
2.4.4 Detection of known and novel miRNAs
2.4.5 Analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs(DEM)and prediction of their targets
2.4.6 Validation of the miRNA and their targets by real-time qPCR
Chapter 3 Results
3.1 Association analysis of tall fescue
3.1.1 Salinity-accession effect
3.1.3 Functional physiological traits
3.1.4 There were distinct population groups within the panel
3.1.5 Population structure
3.1.6 There was significant marker-trait association within the population
3.1.7 There was differential ion accumulation across the panel
3.2 Transcriptome analysis
3.2.1 There is a temporal difference in transcript level
3.2.2 De Novo Assembly and Unigene Annotation
3.2.3 Unigene functional annotation
3.2.4 Unigene's TFs,and Unigene's Coding DNA Sequence Forecast
3.2.5 Identified Unigene's SSR and SNPs
3.2.6 Differential gene expression and distribution in samples
3.2.7 Differential protein interaction
3.2.8 qPCR Validation of the results
3.3 Role of paclobutrazol
3.3.1 Effect of paclobutrazol on RWC and chlorophyll content
3.3.2 Compatible solutes analysis
3.3.3 Chlorophyll content and photosystem Ⅱ
3.3.4 Salt damage level determination
3.3.5 Gene expression level
3.4 Reviewed summary and our proposed mechanism
3.5 Role of miRNA
3.5.1 Distinction of salt tolerant and sensitive bermudagrass cultivars
3.5.2 Small RNA filtering
3.5.3 Identification of known and predicted miRNAs
3.5.4 Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs
3.5.5 Target identification and GO-based classification
3.5.6 Real-time qPCR validation of miRNA and their target
Chapter 4 Discussion
4.1 SSRs and functional traits are reliable for ranking tall fescue salt tolerance level
4.2 Transcriptome data:resourceful for tall fescue breeding
4.2.1 Chaperonins and Rubisco proteins may play role tall fescue salt tolerance
4.3 Paclobutrol ameliorates negative effects of salt stress on tall fescue
4.4 Co-downregualtion of salt-responsive and root growth miRNAs may promotebermudagrass salt tolerance
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future prospect
Additional files
Author Profile
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