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发布时间:2021-06-09 19:55
  香蕉(Musa acuminata)是世界上重要的粮食作物之一。香蕉属于热带作物,最适种植温度条件为24℃35℃,在热带和亚热带气候地区广泛种植。由于全球气候的变化,香蕉遭受许多非生物胁迫,如高温胁迫,当温度高于35℃时,香蕉的生长和发育受到严重影响。内生根真菌印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica,P.indica)与丛枝菌根真菌(Abuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi,AMF)相似,可提高植物对矿质元素的吸收能力,促进植物的生长和发育,能增强其对生物和非生物胁迫的耐受性。然而,关于香蕉接种内生真菌后高温胁迫响应的叶片生理生化和分子机制知之甚少。本研究以福建地区主栽品种“天宝”香蕉为材料,研究接种内生菌P.indica后香蕉热胁迫下的生理生化变化、转录组分析和小RNA差异表达分析,以探讨P.indica提高香蕉耐热性的生理生化及分子机制,以期为进一步利用有益内生菌P.indica,以高温综合管理和化学防治的形式寻觅一种既有助于植物生长发育又能抵御高温胁迫的可行性方法提供科学依据。本研究首先测定和比较了45℃高温处理下0 h、3 h... 


【文章页数】:170 页


List of abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Physiological and biochemical study of heat stress response in plants
    1.2 Molecular biology of plant response to high temperature
    1.3 Heat shock protein and heat shock transcription factor
    1.4 Transcriptomics of plant high temperature stress response
    1.5 Molecular biology of banana heat resistance
    1.6 Research progress of mi RNA in heat stress
    1.7 Introduction of Piriformospora indica
        1.7.1 P.indica colonization
        1.7.2 The effect of P.indica on plant growth and development
    1.8 Significance and main contents of this study
        1.8.1 The Significance of study
        1.8.2 Impact of research
        1.8.3 Aims and objectives
        1.8.4 Research aims and objectives
Chapter2 Analysis of the influence of Piriformospora indica on growth and physiological changes of banana leaves during high-temperature stress
    2.1 Materials and methods
        2.1.1 Cultivation and preparation of P.indica
        2.1.2 Plant materials and treatments
        2.1.3 Estimation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants activities and phytohormones contents essay
        2.1.4 Statistical analysis
    2.2 Results
        2.2.1 Growth of“Tianbao”banana colonized with P.indica
        2.2.2 Effect of P.indica on hydrogen peroxide(H2O2),malondialchehyche(MDA),and proline(Pro)activity in leaves under high temperature
        2.2.3 Effects of P. indica on enzyme activities in the leaves under high temperature
        2.2.4 Influence of P.indica on phytohormones(ABA,GA,IAA,JA and SA)contents in leaves under high temperature
    2.3 Discussion
Chapter3 Transcriptomic analysis revealed genes affected by Piriformospora indica in banana under high temperature stress
    3.1 Materials and methods
        3.1.1 Cultivation of P.indica,plant growth and treatments
        3.1.2 Determination of anthocyanin concentration
        3.1.3 Total RNA extraction and c DNA library construction
        3.1.4 Data analysis
        3.1.5 Quantitative-reverse transcription PCR
    3.2 Results
        3.2.1 Analysis of transcriptome assembly results and sequencing quality evaluation
        3.2.2 Differentially expressed genes responsive to the effects of P.indica on“Tianbao”banana leaves under high temperature
        3.2.3 Analysis of functional enrichment of differentially expressed genes
        3.2.4 Analysis of abundant or most represented pathways in the leaves“Tianbao”banana colonized with P.indica before and after high temperature stress
        3.2.5 Analysis of transcription factors for differentially expressed genes in the leaves of banana colonized with P.indica under high temperature stress
        3.2.6 Differential expression analysis of heat shock protein and eat shock transcription factor during high temperature stress in the leaves of banana colonized with P.indica
        3.2.7 Accumulation of anthocyanin in the colonized“Tianbao”banana leaves under high temperature
        3.2.8 P.indica is in symbiosis with mitogen-activated protein kinase and cell wall,wax metabolism under high-temperature stress response
        3.2.9 Validation of differential expression genes by q RT-PCR
    3.3 Discussion
        3.3.1 Transcriptome sequencing analysis of banana heat stress
        3.3.2 P.indica colonization alleviated the morphological and physiological changes of banana under high temperature stress
        3.3.3 P.indica colonization influence the nutrient acquisition in banana leaf
        3.3.4 Physiological mechanism for heat acclimation during high temperature stress in the leaf of banana colonized P.indica
        3.3.5 Potential DEGs and pathways playing critical roles in high tempearature tolerance conferred by the leaves of banana colonized with P.indica
        3.3.6 Candidate transcriptions factors for improving HS tolerance of banana leaf
        3.3.7 P.indica as a regulator of genes involved in banana leaf mitogen-activated protein kinase,cell wall and wax metabolism under high temperature stress
Chapter4 High Temperature associated micro RNAs and their potential roles in mediating heat tolerance in the leaf of“Tianbao”banana colonized by Piriformospora indica
    4.1 Materials and methods
        4.1.1 Materials
        4.1.2 Library construction and sequencing
        4.1.3 Data processing and analysis
        4.1.4 Analysis of differentially expressed mi RNAs and s RNAs
        4.1.5 Differentially expressed mi RNAs,novel mi RNAs and their target genes verified by q RT-PCR
        4.1.6 Quantitative Real Time PCR reactions
    4.2 Results
        4.2.1 small RNAs sequencing data classification and length distribution of the leaves of banana colonized with P.indica
        4.2.2 Identification of known,novel mi RNA and s RNA differentially expressed in response to P.indica and high temperature treatments
        4.2.3 Prediction and functional analysis of mi RNA target genes in leaves of banana colonized with P.indica under high temperature stress
        4.2.4 Differential expression analysis of know and novel mi RNAs
        4.2.5 Target prediction and functional annotation of the known and novel differentially expressed mi RNAs response to P.indica and high temperature stress
        4.2.6 Gene Ontology(GO)and KEGG pathway classification analysis of know mi RNAs target genes
        4.2.7 Quantitative analysis for the expression of mi RNAs and their target genes
    4.3 Discussion
        4.3.1 P.indica affected plant growth and development
        4.3.2 Differentially abundant mi RNA target genes in the leaves of banana colonized with P.indica under high temperature and their biological functions
        4.3.3 P.indica affected the abundance of mi RNAs regulating genes and transcription factors linked to high temperature stress tolerance
        4.3.4 P.indica regulated mi RNA controlled transcription factors involved in the control of growth
Chapter5 Summary and future prospects
    5.1 Conclusion
        5.1.1 Physiological changes of the leaves of“Tianbao”banana colonization during high temperature stress
        5.1.2 Transcriptome data supplemented banana leaf genetic information and screened a large number of genes related to banana leaf response to high temperature
        5.1.3 Small RNA data provide insights into banana heat stress transcription levels
    5.2 Point of innovation
    5.3 Prospects
Published Papers during the Program
Additional Materials

[1]Changes in gas exchange,root growth,and biomass accumulation of Platycladus orientalis seedlings colonized by Serendipita indica[J]. Chu Wu,Qiao Wei,Jing Deng,Wenying Zhang.  Journal of Forestry Research. 2019(04)
[2]龙眼体胚发生早期miR166初级体的克隆与表达分析[J]. 张清林,苏立遥,厉雪,张舒婷,徐小萍,陈晓慧,王培育,李蓉,张梓浩,陈裕坤,赖钟雄,林玉玲.  园艺学报. 2018(08)
[3]印度梨形孢对黑松幼苗生长量及其根系形态的动态影响[J]. 周晓莹,梁玉,董智,李红丽,张梦璇,韩秀峰,范小莉,房用.  山东大学学报(理学版). 2018(07)
[4]非编码RNA研究概述[J]. 陈亮,单革.  科学通报. 2017(27)
[5]Research progress in the heat resistance, toughening and filling modification of PLA[J]. Yong Yang,Lisheng Zhang,Zhu Xiong,Zhaobin Tang,Ruoyu Zhang,Jin Zhu.  Science China(Chemistry). 2016(11)
[6]印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica)与植物互作研究综述[J]. 毛琳琳,朱志炎,何勇,田志宏.  安徽农学通报. 2016(11)
[7]印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica)的生物学特性及对植物生长的互作效应研究进展[J]. 朱志炎,毛琳琳,何勇,杨亚珍,董社琴,叶开温,田志宏.  长江大学学报(自科版). 2016(15)
[8]印度梨形孢对莴苣增产提质效果的研究[J]. 杨亚珍,陈玉子,董社琴,朱建强,张建民.  北方园艺. 2015(01)
[9]高温逆境下植物叶片衰老机理研究进展[J]. 杨小飞,郭房庆.  植物生理学报. 2014(09)
[10]印度梨形孢诱导油菜抗旱性机理的初步研究[J]. 陈佑源,楼兵干,高其康,林福呈.  农业生物技术学报. 2013(03)

[1]切花非洲菊苗期在高温胁迫中的生理生化响应和转录组分析[D]. 祝小云.浙江农林大学 2016
[2]基于高通量测序的中国甜柿microRNAs鉴定及分析[D]. 罗玉洁.华中农业大学 2014
[3]福建香蕉种质资源试管保存及野生蕉ISSR与抗寒性分析[D]. 赖恭梯.福建农林大学 2014
[4]印度梨形孢诱导小白菜抗病、促生、抗逆的作用及其机理的初步研究[D]. 孙超.浙江大学 2010




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