本文关键词:SX公司发展战略研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:企业战略是从全局和长远的角度研究企业在竞争环境下生存与发展的重大问题,是决定企业经营成败的关键。SX公司是以氨基酸及相关衍生产品为主营业务的原料药生产企业,未来六年总体目标是进入世界氨基酸原料产业前列,在面对复杂的竞争环境和巨大的发展压力之下,制定科学的发展战略并加强战略管理是十分重要的。本文旨在对SX公司未来六年的发展战略进行研究,希望对SX公司决策管理层提供战略决策参考并有助于SX公司发展战略管理体系的建立,也希望为同类企业的战略管理提供一定的借鉴作用。本文参照战略管理的基本理论和方法进行研究,主要采用迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)提出的竞争五力模型和价值链模型、外部因素评价矩阵(External Factor Evaluation Matrix,简称EFE矩阵)、内部因素评价矩阵(Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix,简称IFE矩阵),肯.安得鲁斯(Kenneth R.Andrews)所提出的SWOT分析法,战略地位与行动评价矩阵(Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix,简称SPACE矩阵)等相关理论和分析工具,并结合企业实际状况和统计分析方法进行综合研究。本文首先运用五力模型、EFE矩阵对SX公司所面临的外部环境包括产业发展趋势和竞争环境、外部机会和威胁、外部关键因素等进行了详细分析,得出SX公司在利用外部机会和规避外部风险方面做得较好的结论;接着采用价值链模型、IFE矩阵对SX公司所面临的内部环境包括内部资源、核心竞争力、内部优势和劣势、内部关键因素等进行了详细分析,得出其内部战略地位高于行业平均水平的结论;其次采用SWOT模型、SPACE矩阵分别对SX公司的战略组合进行了研究,两种研究方法都得出SX公司战略最优组合是实施领先增长性战略;接着结合SX公司的企业愿景阐述了企业的三级战略目标,即原料夯基战略、多元市场战略、跨界经营战略等,并对发展战略具体量化指标进行了测算。最后本文对如何确保SX公司发展战略的有效实施和执行,在企业组织结构、人力资源、企业并购和企业文化等七个方面提出了一些具体的保障措施。
[Abstract]:Enterprise strategy is a major problem from a global and long-term perspective of enterprise survival and development in a competitive environment,.SX company is the key to determine the success of an enterprise is the enterprise with production of amino acids and related derivative products for the main business of raw materials, the next six years, the overall goal is to enter the world of amino acid industry forefront, in the face of complex the competitive environment and the tremendous development pressure, it is very important to formulate a scientific development strategy and strengthen strategic management. This paper aims to study the development strategy of SX company in the next six years, we hope to provide strategic decision management of SX company layer decision-making and will help to establish a system of development strategy management of SX company, and also hope to provide a certain reference for the strategic management of similar enterprises. This paper according to the basic theory and method of strategic management, mainly by Michael Porter (Michael Porter) competition model and value chain model, external factors evaluation matrix (External Factor Evaluation Matrix, referred to as EFE matrix), internal factor evaluation matrix (Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix, referred to as IFE matrix), Ken Andrews (Kenneth R.Andrews) proposed by SWOT analysis, strategic position and action evaluation matrix (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix, referred to as SPACE matrix) and other related theories and analysis tools, combined with the actual situation and the statistical analysis method for comprehensive research. This paper uses the five forces model, EFE matrix is facing the external environment of SX including industrial development trend and competition environment, external opportunities and threats in detail analysis of the key external factors, we come to the conclusion that SX avoid the use of external opportunities and external risk in doing better then the conclusion; The value chain model, IFE matrix in the face of SX company's internal environment including internal resources, core competitiveness, internal advantages and disadvantages, analyzed the internal key factors, the internal strategic position is higher than the industry average conclusion; followed by SWOT model, SPACE matrix respectively strategic combination of SX's research two, methods all show that the optimal combination of SX company strategy is the implementation of the leading growth strategy; then combined with SX, the company's corporate vision describes three levels of corporate strategic objectives, namely raw materials base consolidation strategy, multi market strategy, cross-border business strategy, and the development strategy of specific quantitative indicators were measured at the end of the paper. How to ensure the effective implementation and enforcement of the development strategy of SX company in the enterprise organizational structure, human resources, the seven aspects of enterprise merger and corporate culture and puts forward some specific Safeguards.
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