本文选题:基层员工 切入点:创新行为 出处:《天津理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the aggravation of market competition, improving the ability of organizational innovation becomes the key to seek competitive advantage. Therefore, how to stimulate the innovation behavior of employees has become a problem of great concern in the business and academic circles. However, the current research on employee innovation generally focuses on managers and R & D personnel. However, a large number of cases show that the innovation ability of grass-roots employees should not be underestimated. Many product innovation and technological process transformation are from grass-roots employees; moreover, The innovation ability of grass-roots employees in our manufacturing and service industries is also increasing with the continuous improvement of their quality. Therefore, how to stimulate the innovation behavior of grass-roots employees becomes an important issue to enhance the organizational innovation ability. Under the framework of social cognition theory, this paper, based on the individual cognitive characteristics of employees, identifies the responses of employees with different cognitive styles to organizational management means or organizational environment, in order to base on the cognitive characteristics of grass-roots employees. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first of all, through literature research, the paper combs the main factors that affect the innovation behavior of employees. This paper defines the individual factors (cognitive style) and the key organizational environment factors (performance appraisal and psychological security of employees' organizational environment) which affect employees' innovative behavior respectively. Secondly, the starting point is the cognitive style of grass-roots employees. Through theoretical deduction, this paper puts forward three hypotheses about the regulating effect of cognitive style and innovation behavior, performance appraisal style and psychological security respectively between cognitive style and innovation behavior. According to 263 valid questionnaires collected, the data obtained were analyzed by statistical analysis software. The variables were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity test, etc. The structural equation model is used to test the research hypotheses. The empirical results show that: first, different cognitive styles have different effects on innovation behavior, among which, Innovative cognitive style has a significant positive impact on innovation behavior; adaptive cognitive style has no significant impact on innovation behavior. Second, performance appraisal goal orientation can adjust the innovation behavior of grass-roots personnel with different cognitive styles. The specific manifestations are: development performance appraisal can significantly strengthen the innovative behavior of innovative cognitive style employees, but the impact on adaptive cognitive style staff innovation behavior is not significant; Evaluative performance appraisal has a significant positive impact on innovative cognitive style and adaptive cognitive style employees' innovative behavior. Thirdly, psychological security has a regulatory role between cognitive style and innovative behavior. And the adaptive cognitive style employees' innovative behavior regulation role is more significant than innovative cognitive style employees' innovative behavior regulation role. Finally, the relevant conclusions of this study are summarized. This paper expounds the theoretical contribution and practical significance of the research results, and explains the shortcomings and future research prospects of this study.
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