本文选题:国有上市钢铁企业 切入点:企业社会责任 出处:《江西财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With China's modern enterprise system gradually perfect and the deepening of economic reform, more and more enterprises to fulfill social responsibility into the development strategy of the enterprise, more corporate social responsibility as its unique competitive advantage. While the state-owned enterprises as an important pillar of the national economy and a solid backing, and its production and operating activities people's life and social economic activities, is an important duty of its own social responsibility, more and more state-owned listed companies realize information disclosure of social responsibility has become the important factor for competitive ability and management efficiency. At the same time, in recent years, Baosteel and a number of state-owned enterprises social responsibility has been widely praised the community at home and abroad, played a very good role. Since the reform and opening up the development of China's iron and steel industry is very rapid, not only is I GDP in a larger proportion of the industry, is China's basic industries, its production and operation resources, environmental problems are closely related, therefore also determines the necessity and urgency of social responsibility information disclosure of iron and steel enterprises. China listed state-owned iron and steel enterprises social responsibility information disclosure problem analysis is based on the principal-agent theory, signal transmission theory. Stakeholder theory, sustainable development theory as a foundation. The state-owned corporate social responsibility information disclosure is the state-owned enterprises in the current economic and social environment of social responsibility and thus reveals the process caused by the financial position and operating results of the influence. The state-owned corporate social responsibility information disclosure should include management, employees, shareholders and creditors, consumers and suppliers, government and community, several aspects of resources and environment. In addition, as a kind of iron and steel enterprises The special nature of the industry, need to disclose relevant information safety production staff, the main energy consumption index, pollutant discharge and treatment. All of these provide a theoretical and practical basis for the analysis of problems and Countermeasures in the disclosure of the listed state-owned steel enterprises social responsibility information. Secondly, our country in recent years, more and more disclosure of state-owned listed steel enterprises the information of social responsibility, information disclosure level is gradually increased, but the analysis in the disclosure of these corporate social responsibility information found there are still some problems and its reasons mainly include: management of social responsibility information disclosure lack of awareness of stakeholders and insufficient attention to social responsibility information disclosure cost is higher, so the cause of corporate social responsibility information disclosure enthusiasm is not high, poor timeliness; enterprises lack of professional talents, lack of unified evaluation and preparation The standard, so that the information disclosure of corporate social responsibility in a comprehensive and comparable lack, form is single; the lack of effective external supervision is to reduce the credible degree of information disclosure, reduce the quality of information disclosure. Again, because the Japanese steel industry social responsibility information disclosure earlier, made great the development of the environmental report and information disclosure, has formed a set of strict standards and standard mode. Therefore, the research of Japanese iron and steel enterprises social responsibility information disclosure, may have some implications for China's iron and steel enterprises. This article draws on the successful experience of Japan iron and steel enterprise social responsibility information disclosure. On the basis of the following enlightenments: Iron and steel enterprises should make clear the concept of environmental protection and key environmental goals, at the same time pay attention to the information users of communication and feedback, end Good enterprise social responsibility to promote the system, pay attention to the views of the third parties and detailed disclosure. Finally, according to the above mentioned problems and learn from foreign experience, the state-owned listed steel enterprises social responsibility information disclosure should be put forward countermeasures from the following aspects: (1) to strengthen the state-owned listed steel enterprises internal construction. Including strengthening management of disclosure social responsibility information management, professional training for relevant personnel, strengthen the construction of information, reduce the cost of information disclosure, strengthen communication with stakeholders, establish social responsibility internal push perfect system. (2) improve the relevant system construction of social responsibility information disclosure. Including the preparation of standards to develop a unified, standardized information disclosure content and the form, the third party evaluation system to establish social responsibility, establish the violation penalty system. (3) improve the social responsibility information disclosure system of government supervision of dew . including the establishment of supervision model of government, the SASAC to establish incentive and restraint mechanisms. (4) make full use of the relevant agencies and the public role. Including the role of CISA role of iron and steel industry to promote the social responsibility information disclosure, improve the media and stakeholders concerned.
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