本文选题:HBC企业 切入点:卓越绩效 出处:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the process of world economic integration, every country is based on its own reality one after another, and in the process of economic development, it is exploring the strategy of excavating the inherent potential and strengthening the economic strength, in order to win the first chance in the competition of the industry.Against such a background of increasingly fierce international competition, China's iron and steel industry is also facing a severe test. How to strive for the greatest economic benefits and optimize the allocation of resources from large-scale industrial management in the competition of the industry,Therefore, to realize the high level development goal of iron and steel enterprises has become an urgent problem to be solved.This paper focuses on the quality management award which regards the outstanding performance model as the standard which began to operate in our country in 2001, and selects the old steel enterprise HBC of Hunan Central Hunan as the empirical research object, and probes deeply into the measures of implementing the outstanding performance model and so on.The model of performance excellence is based on the excellent supervision experience of the industry leading enterprises, which provides a lot of suggestions for the development of enterprises to a more superior level of improvement.The implementation of excellent performance management supervision model should refer to the evaluation standards of "excellent performance evaluation criterion", and evaluate the enterprise output quality.HBC enterprises will be "higher, faster, stronger" as the development goal of operation and operation. This paper carries out theoretical research from the level of scientific supervision when carrying out the framework structure, and then lay a solid foundation for the development of enterprises along the track of healthy development, HBC enterprise will be "higher, faster, stronger" as the development goal of operation and operation.In order to improve the overall management performance and core competitiveness of HBC, the "outstanding performance model", which reflects the modern advanced management quality management system and is applied by world-class successful enterprises in management, is used to construct the regulatory model of HBC.Through the comparison of the domestic and foreign outstanding performance models, this paper further expounds this concept, and expounds its value systematically. In the analysis, we can easily see some basic characteristics of the outstanding performance model.From the third chapter of the article, the author systematically analyzes the internal and external environment of the outstanding performance model combined with the practice of the outstanding performance model implemented in the operation of HBC enterprises.Finally, the process of constructing excellent performance model and the basic implementation strategy are expounded.The purpose of this paper is to take the construction and implementation strategy of HBC enterprise's outstanding performance model as the key point, and then draw the corresponding conclusion, take it as the relevant enterprise to carry on the quality supervision, enhance the enterprise's economic benefit to provide the corresponding reference basis.For enterprises in the fierce competition in the industry in an invincible position to help.
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