本文选题:武汉市 + 生态环境 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the first 10 years of this century, the bright spot of Wuhan's industrial development frequently appeared and stepped into one of the best periods in history. In 2014, Wuhan entered the "trillion club", ranking third among the national deputy provincial capitals, and the industry showed a good situation of improving quality and increasing efficiency. Along with the development of industrialization, along with the excessive consumption of resources and environmental damage, haze and other environmental pollution problems frequently attack, Wuhan City in 2014 187 days in the haze attack. It has always been an important subject to study the economic growth and ecological environment of the sub-provincial capital cities, and how to realize their coordinated development, which has a strong reality and pertinence. In this paper, the inner relation between environment and industrialization is analyzed theoretically from the angle of scale, structure and technology effect, then the ecological environment system and new industrialization system of Wuhan are built by AHP method, and the comprehensive index is obtained by entropy method. The fluctuation trend and decoupling of the environmental variables and industrialization in Wuhan are analyzed, and then the relationship between the ecological environment and industrialization in Wuhan is empirically analyzed around the scale, structure and technical effect equations. Finally, some policy suggestions on how to promote the coordinated development of ecological environment and industrialization in Wuhan and accelerate the decoupling of the two are put forward. The results show that, in the trend of fluctuation, the environmental quality of Wuhan is improved by the stage of top arc, the environmental pressure fluctuates gradually, and in the condition of decoupling, the decoupling of environmental pressure in Wuhan is not optimistic, and the industrial waste water realizes strong decoupling. Industrial waste gas decoupling has completed the process of first deteriorating and then improving and finally reached strong decoupling. Industrial waste residue is basically stable in the weak decoupling stage, and on the path mechanism, the environmental quality and the scale of industrialization in Wuhan City, The structural and technical effects are characterized by inverted U type and inverted U type, respectively.
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