本文选题:EG指数 + 制造业 ; 参考:《技术经济》2016年11期
[Abstract]:Based on the Ellison-Glaeser index and the Maurel-S 茅 dillot index, the 纬 a index used to measure the agglomeration of Chinese manufacturing industry is constructed and compared with the EG index. This paper uses 纬 a index to measure the agglomeration degree of double-digit manufacturing industry and tri-digit manufacturing industry, and expounds its application width at provincial level. The results show that the 纬 a index is superior to the EG index in data stability, and the agglomeration of other manufacturing industries except tobacco products and petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing industry is on the rise from 1998 to 2013. The agglomeration degree of labor-intensive manufacturing industry is higher than that of capital-intensive manufacturing industry and technology-intensive manufacturing industry, and the agglomeration degree of heavy pollution manufacturing industry rises first and then decreases, which indicates that it is more sensitive to the change of environmental regulation intensity.
【作者单位】: 南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“智能生产与服务网络体系中军民融合产业创新平台及其供给战略”(15BGL029) 国家自然科学基金项目“风电技术装备协同创新的实现机制与政策设计研究”(71373005)
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