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发布时间:2018-07-15 14:41
[Abstract]:After years of development, the domestic petroleum industry has accumulated a large number of exploration and development data assets while providing more and more energy reserves for the country. With the "two leap" development program proposed by the group company, as an important intangible asset, the data is an important point for the enterprise to dig the latent power and improve the management ability and competitiveness. Based on the practical experience of CNOOC exploration and development integrated data integration and data center construction project, this paper sums up a complete set of business process and data flow analysis method by combing and analyzing the main business of CNOOC exploration and development, combining the experience of the integrated construction of exploration and development at home and abroad, and has carried out the project in the project. The feasibility and practicability of the method are verified and verified through application. The analysis method of integrated exploration and development business model takes the exploration and development of actual production activities as the starting point, the object oriented life cycle is the main line, and the business data of CNOOC exploration and development are comprehensive. The analysis and combing has broken the business and data barriers in the past professional fields, and formed a complete and stable integrated business model for exploration and development. It provides a good foundation and platform for the comprehensive application of all kinds of cross professional fields in the future.
【作者单位】: 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司;


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