[Abstract]:16 central petroleum and petrochemical enterprises have generated a large number of tax sources in Karamay City, but most of the tax sources have not remained in the tax source areas, but have been transferred to the headquarters of the company and the central and eastern regions. Statistics show that only income tax, value-added tax and consumption tax three main categories of taxes, Karamay generated more than 2/3 tax sources transferred to the central and eastern part. This is the tax policy arrangement and the enterprise headquarters economy causes the tax revenue transfer. In the future tax and fee policy arrangements, we should increase the participation of local governments among the benefit gamblers, and establish a coordination mechanism among tax sources on the basis of the principle of consistency between tax revenue and tax sources. To solve cross-regional tax conflicts and conflicts. In order to ensure that local governments have the financial resources to provide enterprises with a higher level of sustainable public goods and public services, enterprises should take into account the balance of interests between the headquarters of the company and the tax source.
【作者单位】: 克拉玛依市国税局;中国石油大学(北京)工商管理学院;克拉玛依市地税局;
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