[Abstract]:Today, with the globalization of economy and the internationalization of market competition, printing and dyeing enterprises are facing increasingly complex market competition, and in this competition, In the past few years, the traditional advantages of cheap resources and manpower cost, which are relied on by the rapid economic development in China, are gradually disappearing, and the survival pressure of printing and dyeing enterprises is increasing. Due to the fierce market competition, printing and dyeing enterprises put forward more stringent requirements and challenges for quality, cost, efficiency, safety and so on. In order to survive in competition, printing and dyeing enterprises must strengthen the field management in order to improve their management level. As a field management mode, 6S site management originated and developed in Japan. Its main contents include finishing, rectifying, cleaning, accomplishment and safety. It has been proved by practice that the implementation of 6S on-site management in enterprises can effectively improve the working efficiency of enterprises, reduce the failure rate of equipment, ensure the timely delivery of goods, ensure safe production, improve the quality of employees and shape the good image of the enterprises. Implementation of 6 S site management, can promote and continue to improve the fine management of enterprises. This paper takes the implementation and promotion of 6S field management in A printing and dyeing factory as an example, according to the present situation, characteristics and existing problems of the management in the production of printing and dyeing enterprises, from finishing, rectifying, cleaning, literacy, The implementation scheme of 6S field management is established in various aspects such as safety, and the implementation essentials and key points of each stage are put forward. Then, this paper describes the implementation steps of 6S site management, points out the key points in the process of implementing 6S site management, and points out the problems and difficulties encountered in the implementation of 6S site management. This paper discusses the feasible improvement measures and optimization schemes in the implementation of 6S field management, so as to further improve the 6S field management based on the characteristics of the printing and dyeing factories and enhance the comprehensive benefit of the printing and dyeing plants.
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