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发布时间:2018-11-11 14:25
[Abstract]:Engineering investigation and design activities are the important contents of the basic construction procedure, the soul and the key of the engineering construction, the decisive role in the engineering construction, the important component of the modern service industry and the leading pillar industry of the economic and social development. The level of engineering investigation and design has a direct impact on the quality, safety and function of the project, and relates to the benefit of investment and the safety of people's life and property. Engineering survey and design industry plays a very important role in leading the development of construction and promoting economic and social progress. However, with the continuous improvement of the degree of marketization of engineering survey and design industry, there are some problems in the supervision of China's reconnaissance and design industry, such as imperfect industry supervision mechanism, imperfect laws and regulations, single regulatory means, and market access. Personnel registration management restricts the development of the industry and the technical level of survey and design needs to be improved. Therefore, how to supervise and standardize the investigation and design industry effectively and guide the healthy development of the industry is an important and urgent task in front of the management department. This paper studies the development course, laws and regulations, system construction, changes of management department, management measures, technical means and so on. The development of survey and design industry, market access, personnel management, technical level, laws and regulations, management system, policy measures, technical means and so on are analyzed. This paper probes into the development mode of the survey and design industry in China, the reform of the management system, the construction of the market system, the supervision system, the trade association, the technical standard, the policy guidance, the training of talents and the improvement of the technical level. It provides inspiration for government management decision, provides relevant countermeasures and reference suggestions for industry supervision, management and service, improves the supervision level of the industry, and guides the scientific development of the industry.


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