[Abstract]:Since the nineties of this century, our country has advocated self-financing, many passionate people dare to join the tide of market economy. Especially in the face of great employment pressure in recent years, the country has introduced some policies one after another, encouraging more and more young people to change their traditional employment concept and to take the initiative to start a business. More and more young people, especially recent college graduates, are taking risks in the face of increasingly difficult employment conditions. However, the statistics in recent years show that the success rate of youth entrepreneurship is only 3%, and that of university graduates is only 1%. The survival rate of more than five years is less than 1%, and those who can develop well are very little. It is not difficult to find out that the quality of entrepreneurs, the management of entrepreneurial teams and the construction of corporate culture, the innovation and progress of enterprise management mode, None is not the most important issue for small and medium-sized start-ups to think about and pay deep attention to. According to the author engaged in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial team building and management, thinking about the construction of enterprises, corporate culture and management model reflection, people-oriented management exploration and so on a series of problems occurred and studied. It is pointed out that the development and growth of entrepreneurial enterprises is not only committed to the construction of entrepreneurial teams, but also not only to the quality of several entrepreneurs themselves or the concrete material form of the enterprises to create profits. What is more important is the understanding of the enterprise and the creation of the essence of the enterprise culture at a higher level, and puts forward the guiding ideology of the construction of the entrepreneurial team and the concrete countermeasures and measures.
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