发布时间:2018-12-31 09:40
【摘要】:正俄罗斯的Russian Food House Ltd公司经理亚历山大·鲍里索夫近日表示,斯维尔德洛夫斯克州企业商定向中国试供60吨冰淇淋。鲍里索夫表示,代表斯维尔德洛夫斯克州中小企业利益的Russian Food House Ltd在7月12日至14日于叶卡捷琳堡召开的第三届俄中博览会框架下,与哈尔滨市政府签订了有关试供应冰激淋的协议。冰淇淋是唯一一种被中国黑龙江省允许进口的奶制品。
[Abstract]:Alexander Borissov, manager of Russian Food House Ltd in Russia, said recently that Svedlovsk companies had agreed to supply 60 tons of ice cream to China. Borissov said that Russian Food House Ltd, which represents the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Svedlovsk region, was held in Yekaterinburg from 12 to 14 July in the framework of the third Russia-China Exposition. An agreement was signed with the Harbin Municipal Government on the trial supply of ice cream. Ice cream is the only dairy product allowed to be imported in Heilongjiang Province, China.
[Abstract]:Alexander Borissov, manager of Russian Food House Ltd in Russia, said recently that Svedlovsk companies had agreed to supply 60 tons of ice cream to China. Borissov said that Russian Food House Ltd, which represents the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Svedlovsk region, was held in Yekaterinburg from 12 to 14 July in the framework of the third Russia-China Exposition. An agreement was signed with the Harbin Municipal Government on the trial supply of ice cream. Ice cream is the only dairy product allowed to be imported in Heilongjiang Province, China.
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