[Abstract]:Rare earth elements are not uncommon on the earth, but they have long been considered as a strategic mineral resource because they are mainly used in semiconductors, electronic components, alloys, special materials, etc. Countries are extremely sensitive to changes in supply and demand and price fluctuations in rare earth resources. This paper begins with the discovery of rare earth resources in China, firstly systematically combing the discovery history and origin of rare earth elements, and then analyzing the demand of rare earth resources from the aspects of chemical characteristics, main uses, resource requirements, etc. It also analyzes the supply of rare earth resources from the aspects of resource reserves, resource potential, exploitation and production, major enterprises and projects, substitutes and recycling, etc. Finally, it analyzes the price fluctuation of rare earths and the geopolitical influence factors. The development prospect of rare earth resources in the future is also put forward. From the point of view of absolute quantity, rare earth resources are not rare, and the importance of rare earth resources is limited, and there is no problem in the future supply guarantee of rare earths. In particular, this article points out that concerns about the supply shortage caused by China's rare earth policy are more about the rapidly expanding geopolitical impact of China than about the real shortage of rare earth supplies. Rare earths offer them an opportunity to blame China.
【作者单位】: 瑞典吕勒奥理工大学社会科学学院;
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