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发布时间:2019-02-11 15:00
[Abstract]:With the deepening of national natural gas price reform, natural gas as a clean energy in the national economy and social life will increasingly highlight its importance. Under the situation that the competition of the domestic city gas industry is becoming more and more intense and the industry is gradually concentrating, how to further expand the market share in the fierce competition, improve the service level and economic benefit, and remain invincible in the competition, Gas operators in major cities need to solve the problem. Through the introduction and analysis of the background, purpose and trend of natural gas price reform, this paper shows the goal and significance of national natural gas price reform, that is, to realize the utilization and development of clean energy such as natural gas, and to protect the atmospheric environment. To improve the national primary energy use structure, to realize the sustainable and healthy development of the national economy, to avoid the monopoly windfall brought by the natural monopoly of the pipe network, and to realize the ultimate goal of the marketization of the natural gas price of "liberalizing at both ends and keeping control in the middle". Then through the introduction of the current situation and competition of urban gas industry, combined with the operation and management practice of China Resources Gas Group and related cases, based on the four key business strategies for analysis, To strive for gas sources (entering the field of gas exploration and development upstream in due course, participating in the construction of long-distance pipelines in the middle reaches, bringing into full play the synergistic effect of national urban gas operators, striving for multi-source supply and ensuring the supply of gas to urban gas enterprises), Alternative energy competition (independent technology innovation, positive response to the competition from alternative energy, the promotion of natural gas use), market expansion (constantly improve the level of urban gas enterprise management services, expand the market for industrial and commercial users, Improve enterprise management level and profitability) and project cost (through the key management theme of urban gas enterprises-engineering cost control, to achieve lean management, improve the management level of urban gas enterprises and operational efficiency, In order to provide the experience and strategy for the management and development of urban gas enterprises, and to strive for a favorable position in the trend of natural gas price reform.


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