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发布时间:2019-05-07 11:16
[Abstract]:The construction of the wholesale electricity market is the core institutional arrangement of the power market-oriented reform. Although there are many differences between foreign power markets, from the perspective of the basic mode of power supply and demand balance, there are only two modes of "unilateral transaction" (also known as mandatory power bank) and "bilateral transaction". The so-called "unilateral transaction" mode is that market organizers force suppliers to tender for procurement on behalf of demand, do not allow over-the-counter physical transactions, and all power producers can only sell electricity to market organizers (non-profit institutions). All sellers and large end users can only buy electricity from market organizers, who are the only batch producers and wholesalers. The market clearing price is based on the competitive decision of the supplier, and the buyer is the passive recipient of the market price. " The core of the bilateral transaction model is "free trade, take its own responsibility", allowing physical transactions off-the-counter, organized transactions on the floor are also voluntary participation. The buyer participates in price formation, but also bears economic responsibility for its purchase commitment. According to the national conditions of our country, the advantage of "unilateral transaction" is that it is easy to connect with the traditional system, has strong controllability, and it is difficult to solve the problem of market manipulation. The advantage of the "bilateral transaction" mode is that the market efficiency is high, but the structure is complex, and the balance of the contract constraint guarantee system has higher requirements for the legal conditions and the matching reform of the placing side. The long-term goal of China's electricity wholesale market construction should be defined as "bilateral" cross-provincial regional market, but it should be easy first and then difficult to promote steadily. The transitional trading mode should be based on the "unilateral transaction" model, and the construction of regional electricity market can take the gradual road of "from point to side".
【作者单位】: 国家发展和改革委员会市场与价格研究所;


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