[Abstract]:In 2015, the world net ethylene production capacity was about 6.165 million tons / year, and the ethylene production capacity reached 159 million tons / year, mainly from the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. The world ethylene demand increased by about 4.9 million tons, with a total demand of 148 million tons. With the lower price of ethylene raw materials, the gross profit of ethylene production was better than the previous year, and the operating rate of the plant continued to pick up. The fall in oil prices has reduced the production costs of ethylene producers from petroleum oil and indirectly improved the competitiveness of petrochemical producers based on petroleum oil. North America continues to promote the construction of new cracking plants, falling oil prices affect the investment decisions of some projects, European ethylene industry profits improve, accelerate integration, Japan continues to shut down backward production capacity; The ethylene industry in the major countries of Belt and Road Initiative has developed steadily, and the ethylene industry in India and the Middle East has continued to expand. In 2016, the world's new ethylene production capacity is expected to be about 3.8 million tons / year, the growth rate is obviously slowing down, the world ethylene production capacity is close to 163 million tons / year, ethylene demand will increase by about 5 million tons, the total demand will reach 153 million tons per year.
【作者单位】: 中国石油集团经济技术研究院;
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